HUS Discussion Question: Chapter 2 & 3

Chapter 2

1. Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress.

Human Services Workers have a variety of techniques used to service clients.Clients with disabilities were left in the hands of the king. The king was a protector and provided them with their needs in life.

2. Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society.

In the middle ages, People weren’t very educated on mental illnesses they believed individuals were possessed by evil spirits. Early forms of treatment were to remove circular disk from the skull to allow these evil spirits to escape, chaining, beating,and starvation.People feared those with mental illness. A professional by the name of Hippocrates brought fourth a more scientific approach towards educating/ treating mental illness.In more present times Professionals have gained the knowledge of mental illness and treat it. Society i more aware and has a better understanding of those who are different from them.

3. Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

Obama Care aid’s well-being  in Americans because it helps slow down the rate of diseases etc. Obama care gives people health care that they can’t afford (saves lives).

4. Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society.

Social Philosophies were promoted to aid well-being of clients/ society by allowing individualism where people worked harder ( hard work was the key to succeed) Individuals were responsible for their own failures in life .

5. Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

The Mental Health Movement promoted well-being because financial care for the mental illness was declared to be the responsibility of the state proper facilities , hospitals, clinics were provided reassuring that patient with mental illnesses got the proper treatment and care (got what they needed).

6. Describe how the human service movement promoted the well-
being of !clients/society

The Human Service Movement Promoted the well-being of client? society because it improved condition and services that were provided to the clients hands on care was provided to every client with a mental illness making sure their needs are met.

7. Describe how entitlement benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the well-being of individuals/society.

Entitlement to medicare, medicaid, and welfare benefits promote the well-being on individual/ society because everyone can’t afford to pay high medical bills, medical insurance, nor the expense of buying food for their homes so there are assistance that can help them.

8. Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society.

Legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/ society because helps provide patients with prescriptions drugs to help aid their sickness.

Chapter 3

1. Describe how the trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.

The trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being because it changes the way professionals meet their clients needs, source of communication, information management, and professional development

2. Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients.

Technology can promote well-being in professional development for workers and ultimately clients because technology is used to provide services to clients allowing them to practice effectively,using data to make decisions for planning programs, and reporting.

3. Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes client well-being.

Managed care promote well-being because human service professionals and their clients work together t plan and provide services. Manage care is a set of tools or strategies used to manage resources and deliver human services to the client, it also controls employer’s health care cost and improve methods used by employers.

4. Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.

Limitations of managed care can impact on the well-being of the client’s as well as the professional because it has caused the human service professional their ability to provide direct services. Shift in roles and responsibilities case managements responsibilities, demands for documentation, increase use gatekeepers can be a burn out on the professional

5. Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes well-being.

Service delivery is the relationship between the client’s and the professionals it promotes ell-being because good quality service delivery provides the client with satisfaction.

6. Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations.

Human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations because it allow professional to expand their knowledge and work with more diverse group of people.

7. Describe how what is happening internationally promotes or hinders the well-being of US citizens.

The events taking place internationally promotes well-being because individuals are becoming more closer as a result of technology advances and communication.Advances in communication are keeping people informed information is traveling at a fast pace. Which is beneficial long term.

8. Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.

The concept of ” teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being because it involves the professional providing the client with support and empowerment to grow. Growth allows the clients to take control of their lives and make decisions for themselves.

9. Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.

Human services professionals being culturally competent can promote well-being because these professional will have gained proper skill and knowledge of different cultures.

HUS Discussion Questions: Chapter 2 and 3

Chapter 2

1. Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress.

The king was to protect their land and property and to provide them with their basic needs.

2. Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society.

In the middle ages individuals who had mental illnesses were believed to be possessed and were beat, starved and had their circular disk removed from their skull. Hippocrate was one of the only physicians that took the scientific approach to mental illnesses and trying to explain them. Society branded people as idiots, lunatics or believed they had demons in them. Compared to this day and age where individuals are given the proper care and services they require. Professionals are educated on all mental illnesses and how to deal with them and society has a better understanding as to what these people go through and what is wrong with them.

3. Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

Accessible healthcare would aid to the American’s well-being to protect them from potential sicknesses. America is one of the most expensive places to live in but has the lowest quality health care, with Obama care the peoples health becomes a priority.

4. Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients and society.

Social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients and society by making them want to work harder in order to be well respected and instilled a form of independence in wanting to be the best at what they can. Doing it on their own.

5. Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

The mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society because it brought about clinics where mental patients were able to get treatment that they needed and social services were available if needed.

6. Describe how the human service movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

The human service movement promoted the well-being of clients/society because they understood their clients and the troubles they were going through and gave them direct care giving, comforting them when they needed it.

7. Describe how entitlement benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the well-being of individuals/society.

Entitlement benefits promote the well-being of individuals/society because everyone can’t afford to purchase their medication that is necessary or to put food on the table. Some people need assistance, they are necessary for people throughout the world to main healthy and alive.

8. Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society.

Legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society because it helps provide prescribed medication for sick patients on medicare.

Chapter 3

1. Describe how the trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.

The trends of technology in the field of human services are attempting to aid a client’s well-being because it is a source of communication, information management, service delivery and professional development.

2. Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients.

Technology can provide well-being in professional development for human service workers and clients because it allows them to do practices more effectively and efficiently, it allows them to provide better services for least expenses.

3. Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes client well-being.

Managed care is a set of tools or methods designed to manage resources and deliver human services, especially in the areas of health care and mental health. It promotes well-being because it has a great influence on the client and helper and how they work together to plan and provide services.

4. Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.

Limitation on managed care can impact on well-being because they sometimes push for the lowest level of care that will meet the client’s needs. If the client’s needs are not being met as best as they can be then you aren’t servicing your client therefore hurting them more than helping.

5. Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes well-being.

Service delivery is the interaction between a worker and a client where the worker offers a service, whether that be information or a task. It promotes well-being because good service delivery provides clients with an increase in value.

6. Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations.

Human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific population because they further their knowledge so that they can work with different people and more diverse groups. They respect other people’s beliefs as well as thoughts.

7. Describe what is happening internationally promotes or hinders the well-being of U.S. citizens.

The international dimension promotes well-being of the U.S. citizens because it keeps us flowing faster and stronger. It helps us transport ourselves and information at much faster pace making it accessible.

8. Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.

The concept of “teaching a man to fish” goes a long way in human services. If a helper constantly gives the client answers and does things for them they will never develop the skills to work through their problems on their own. If there is no growth the client will never learn how to make decisions on their own.

9. Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.

Cultural competency can promote well-being because it transforms knowledge of individuals and groups of people into standards, policies and practices to increase the quality of services that eventually produce better outcomes.

chp 2 questions : Human Services

Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well being of clients who were distressed

– Back then when people didn’t really understand what mental illnesses were, often times the techniques would be putting people into straight jackets and have them in that position for many hours at a time. Many wouldn’t even be able to move for several days because of it. Also another method that as used was to seclude them in a padded cell under lock key. But with more research and also the mental health movement , which included Phillipe Pinel , Benjamin Rush and Clifford Beers , caused for methods to change for the better. For example some solutions now in days are therapy exercises and even medication that help you live life.

Describe the evolution of well being services from the middle ages to present day by individuals , professionals and society

– Before the middle ages people thought that mental illnesses came from the devil . But Hippocrates , a physician in the 3rd century , used a scientific approach for mental illnesses . He believed that mental illnesses and disorders all were caused by natural causes for example brain disease. From then on Asylums were created to house the mentally ill. Then came the Elizabeth poor laws that became a revolution in mental health for many disabled people. This law was created to give aid to those who were out of work and children whose parents could not support them as well. Now present day many changes have occured in the human service. One major development happened during the Jimmy Carter Administration. For one the the department of Health and Human Services was founded.

Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well being of americans

– For starters , its mission is to help people who aren’t able to get health insurance get health insurance. We all know that staying healthy is extremely important in a persons well being. Its a great help for those who can’t afford going to doctors and making sure there in good health. Especially for children that are chronically ill aren’t denied coverage. In simple terms no one gets turned away for not being able to pay.

Describe how the human service movement promoted the well being of clients/society.

– The movements helped address problems and concerns that weren’t even thought about before. For example addressing the shortage of mental health personnel in underserved areas. But this of course requires support from the government and federal money for financial support.

Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well being of clients/society.

– The National Association for Mental Health helped improve hospitals for the mentally ill also promote public concern for those who were in need. Education on mental health was being improved which was helpful for clients ,that way others had a better understanding on diseases , diagnosis and create a more affective treatment. This all happened because of Clifford Beers , who was a mental illness victim himself, wrote a book where he wrote about his experience , collapse and his treatment. He also founded the Connecticut Society for mental hygiene.

Describe how entitlement benefits (medicaid,medicare,welfare)promote the well being of individuals/society.

– GIves individuals the aid they need and resources for living. sadly there are many people who cannot afford medication or even support there family members. So the entitlement benefits help give them hope and happiness because it gives them relief and less stressed with the struggle of trying to make it work and getting through each day.