The app experience

I’ve never tried to track my happiness until this assignment and its been rather strange. its way of actually training your mind to “happy”. They help you to realize your emotion in hopes to make a shift in things.. All of the technology can be helpful in noticing the emotion, but there isn’t any help in changing the situation. so that emotion would only be temporary. while being connected to the digital universe, we disconnect from the world around us. it is important how our emotion line up with our energy. I don’t think that these apps are for me at all. when I’m mad; I’m not going to go to the app and put in that I’m mad; I’ll be too mad to report it. In fact the apps might make me depressed, because it’ll actually be counting my happiness or reading me my reality.

All of this just shows the effect that technology has on us today. We go on social networks to track others activities. People we don’t even know. We find satisfaction in others depressing status on Facebook. and find envy in the person who just bought the new fab car or house or Instagram. These apps and social media networking just proves that others happiness have an effect on our own. and no, it cant be measured but it can be altered!