Schools out & blogging is in!

Hello everyone! By the title of my post I guess you’ve figured out that school is out for the summer, not only is the spring semester over but Ava and the rest of the public school kids are free for the summer. I am super excited to be apart of the summer blogging team at The Buzz and I can’t wait to share me and Ava’s adventures with everyone. Here’s what you can look forward to in my posts this summer,

Summer Bucket List

My main theme this summer is the bucket list, which is the recap post of all the places Ava and I want to visit this summer. From museums to state parks there are a whole bunch of places we want to visit and will be sharing with my readers! Some of the places on the list are,

  • The Roosevelt Island tram
  • The museum of natural history
  • Brooklyn Botanical Garden


Also on my blog this summer you can find some tips, tricks and best practices for blogging, tweeting and Instagraming your way to a solid amount of followers and building a regular audience. I’ll be sharing my experiences and my strategies for building my blog here on The Buzz as well as on my personal pages. You can also look forward to me and the other bloggers leading workshops this fall!

For starters some tips are,

  • Pick a theme You’re going to build a bigger following if you have a theme because people will know your stuff is consistent
  • Post on a schedule Set days where you’ll post so your followers know when to check for new content, you can even schedule posts ahead of time so you never miss a day.
  • Be transparent– Don’t talk around or patronize situations or people in your writing, be honest and be you. People respond to honesty.

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