Looking Up

Its amazing how all living things has similar characteristics as to humans. Like a dog when he’s sick, he sort of behaves like us humans; gives you the sad face, less movements. You get the picture right?

Trees, they also are similar to human beings. We both need oxygen to survive and water and sunlight. Without these necessities survival is impossible. By now you should understand how important they are to our everyday lives. Needless to say, these trees can be so beautiful when blossoming as well as falling; the leaves that is. The colors it produce are magnificent. Even its trunk and branches can have some interesting texture, shapes and sizes.

To say this, the next time you step outside, look at a tree. No! I mean really look at it. You may find something really interesting about it.


fall tree leaves

“Ideology separates us. Dreams and anguish bring us together.”  Prospect Park Brooklyn, NY 5:31pm

-Eugene Ionesco


fall tree leaves

“Tress are poems the earth writes upon the sky.”  Prospect Park Brooklyn, NY 6:03pm

-Kahlil Gibran


a large tree

“And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs tour course.”  Prospect Park Brooklyn, NY

-Kahlil Gibran


fall tree leaves

“Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.”  Bushwick Brooklyn, NY 11:53am



fall tree leaves

“A tree lives by its roots. Change the roots and you change the tree. Change the trees and you change the forest.”  Flatbush Brooklyn, NY 1:55pm


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