Typical Work Day

My typical work days are very straightforward. For starters, my day at work usually begins at 10:00 AM. Before I begin, I get appointed daily tasks from my superior. After that, I will work for an estimated 5-6 hours with a forty minute lunch break in between. I do tend to get asked about my progress once every two hours or so, but aside from that, I just stick to my tasks until the day ends. Nothing more, nothing less. It is literally that straightforward. However, there will be rare moments in which I have to consult with actual clients. As Lanchid LLC has numerous affiliated companies, clients will provide overviews of their specific vision, as well as suggestions, and feedback. Although these interactions rarely happen, they are seen as very crucial because my designs now have to be favored by two or more groups instead of just one. This doesn’t change my job too much, but it is important to remember during my daily tasks.

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