Siera Whitaker is a professional and technical writing major pursuing a bachelor’s of science degree with a specialization in communication design.  An aspiring author, she loves to read about business, lifestyle, and pop culture, and loves writing music, short stories, and novels; she hopes to become a best-selling author of fiction and nonfiction works.  At 25 years-old, Siera has returned back to college after being a caregiver to her mom,  Janeane, who passed away in 2013 from Scleroderma.  Siera’s father, Wallace, suffered a stroke when she was 11 years-old and currently resides in Brooklyn.  Born in South Carolina, and raised in both South Carolina and New York City, Siera plans to use her experiences of life in the two states and her time as a caregiver to help motivate other aspiring authors.   She loves challenging and meaningful work and is always up to take on risky projects.  She loves supporting nonprofits and other organizations that strive to help the general public.  She plans on starting her own business using writing, design, and technology to bring one of her many passions to reality.

Siera currently lives in Brooklyn, NY with two of her three sisters.  She has three nieces and three nephews.  She also has a Chihuahua named Daisy and two parakeets, Tweety and Blue.