

City Tech’s STEM Success Collaborative is a five-year project that started in September 2021. It is funded under the US Department of Education’s Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions program.

The project seeks to improve retention, graduation, and workforce readiness of Hispanic and low-income STEM-interested students by strengthening and coordinating academic and support programs for students in their first two years of study. Here, STEM is defined broadly to include the health sciences.


A guiding rational and conceptual inspiration for the STEM Success Collaborative is a project implemented at eight California State University campuses focused on increasing success for first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented students in STEM.

Among the key findings1:
ā€¢ ā€œElements of underserved, STEM student success are locked into separate silosā€;
ā€¢ The specific types of interventionsā€œmatter less than the integration of multiple support programsā€ and the presence of aā€œunified community of support,ā€and finally;
ā€¢ ā€œCollaboration is the most important aspect of a smooth implementation process.ā€


The California initiative suggests that educational equity for Hispanic and low-income students highly depends on a genuinely integrated and collaborative institutional context.

Guided by this model, City Tech’s STEM Success Collaborative has launched a set of collaborative, integrative initiatives organized under three broad strategy areas: 
1)Academic Resources; 
2)Student Support Resources; and 
3)Institutional Resources

1Holcombe, E. M., & Kezar, A. (2020). Exploring the Organizational Value of Integrated Transition Programs for Underrepresented College Students.
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 1-14.

STEM Success Collaborative
Project number P031S2210228

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