

We decided that as a method of research, we could contact the presidents along with advisers to each club we would visit. Our first course of action was to e-mail each club to set up an interview. Next, we visited each club in person to gain a more in-depth look into how each club operates. After these interviews, we decided to compile whatever information we had obtained and do a little more research on our own. For the clubs that have an existing and usable website, we visited those sites to gain additional information into a clubs daily life. Our methodology also included e-mailing the student club coordinator Cristina Cross about how to not only join an existing club, but how to create your own. We also decided during this process that we wanted to ensure the location of club would be easier to find and that every student should not have to go around searching for a map. We eventually decided to upload a copy of the school map to students to help them find each club as well as listing the location on our website to bring about precision. For the information gathering process, all five members were delegated to investigate three clubs and use that information to the post on the website. Frank was to go to Animation and Gaming club, Mechatronics club, and N.Y.P.I.R.G. Tony was to go to the College Affairs, Jaws, and Winter Sports club. James was to go to Student Life and Development, Architecture, and Computer club. Jacky was to Chemistry, Science Research, and Student Government Association. And Darkhan was to go to the Physics, Food and Wine, and International Students Program. Along the way, we researched many different online technologies to help students find the right club for them. We came up with the idea that a personality exam, much like the ones Facebook distributes to their users, would be used to help fit students with the club that best corresponds to their personality and career goals. The general purpose of having the personality quiz is to give the website more interaction with the user, so they feel they are really part of the process when choosing their club. The process and strategy by which our presentation is to be implemented is through the following. One individual would start the presentation by discussing the proposal and how we came to this idea of choosing student clubs as the center of our website. Next, another individual would start the discussion as to how an individual can join a club and/or create one of their own. Then the third individual would present as to how we all gathered our information. Finally, two more individuals would present information about the clubs themselves as well as the quiz that was created to match clubs that best matches a student’s personality. During the process of creating the website, we came across some troubles fairly early. For example, once the website was created, several versions were created by accident. Then when it was fully up and running, administrative privileges were not delegated right away, which resulted in the process slowing down temporarily. One suggestion for anyone hoping to create any website using WordPress is to first watch the tutorials to gain a heads as to what to do for the basics of your website. If there are multiple people involved in the website creation, one piece of recommendation is to ensure that you go to project settings and not invite everyone to the project, but make them administrators immediately. Plus, once everyone is on board for the project, go to users on the dashboard of WordPress and make sure you label everyone as an administrator immediately. that way you will not have that problem early on of not having everyone on the same level and page as you. One additional word of advice is to always visit a club in person because there are many things that member will tell you that they will not on their website such as a funny story during a club event or who could be running for president next semester. Being there in person can almost give you a personal connection because you took the time to visit a club and get a taste of their atmosphere and how they operate.


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