ePortfolio for Dr. Egues

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The electronic Portfolio is a venue which allows me the capability to share a self-assessment of my abilities, achievements, and attitudes with regards to my clinical experience. Consequently, I can communicate the ways my learning experiences assisted in both my personal and professional growth. The posting of this narrative provides other readers the capability to comment on my publication, which can assist with my further development. If we do not remain open to evaluation we cannot grow as individuals and as professional nurses.




The Stein Senior Center is housed in a temporary location awaiting the completion of a new center. Although the center is unable to provide a full menu of services, I was still able to obtain insight into the services a senior center can provide. As a community nurse the center educated me with respect to the relationship between the didactic and the clinical aspects of the profession. The core of community based care focuses on health promotion, disease prevention and maintenance of health. Evidence based practice was an essential aspect of the care and delivery of resources to members of the center. This was seen in the programs the center offered, like the Alzheimer’s group. Since the center has a multitude of cultures, a nurse must be aware of ethical and transcultural considerations. The clients have many health concerns that a community nurse sees in the course of their vocation. This makes the Stein Center an ideal clinical location for Community Nursing.

Client communication was a routine part of my clinical experience. No two people are the same. Some were receptive to our presence in the center, while others felt we were disturbing the aura of the center. For those that allowed me to enter their world I gained insight into the needs and desires of our senior population. When I provided the diabetic nutrition presentation it allowed me to provide one of the skills essential to community nursing, education. I felt that the Stein Center provided me an excellent positive clinical experience. I was allowed, by the clients, to realize the requirements and wishes of our community’s seniors.

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