Author Archives: Florina Pupla

Chapter 3 Response

Metacognition is something that everyone use it everyday  without even noticing. Reflecting on our own thoughts is how we gain insight into our feelings,needs, and behaviors.Thinking about our own thinking is how we learn, manage, and adapt to new experiences, new challenges, and emotional roller-coasters. The concept resonates with me is on page 19th. I say to my students that is not the grade of your first laboratory report that shows how smart you are. This  grade will help you to find another way of thinking and to get 100 on the next laboratory report.

Some  other factors that might influence student learning are:Individual level of the intellect, health, physical, mental and social factors. Teacher’s personality and environmental factors can influence student learning





Chapter 2

What is one teaching strategy you use?

I try to give one practical example from my experience to the field to make it more clear to the students where they are going to use what we are learning in class.

What is one learning strategy your students could use to be successful in your course?

They have to try to visualize what they are learning and to think if the results they got make sense in real life.