Internship Background

PBUCC Company Logo

The company I intern at is The Pension Boards-United Church of Christ, Inc. (PBUCC). The non-profit company has about 60-80 employees in two locations: New York (UWS), and Cleveland (Downtown).

UCC HQ PBUCC NY: Interchurch Cneter

PBUCC invests and manages the financial assets of clergy and lay-employees of the UCC. Within the past 20 years, the Pension Boards was busy making major upgrades to it’s technology infrastructure and more recently, celebrated over 100 years of service in 2014.

Being an in-house graphic designer, I work within the Communications/PR team. The team consists of 4 individuals including the Director of Communications/PR. I get to work on print materials and digital media. Web related work will be coming soon I’m told, and I can’t wait!