Typographic Design (Type II) β€” COMD 1257

Course Overview

Introduces a variety of basic layouts and formats, building technical and practical fluency in setting and working with type for both print and screen. This course further explores topics learned in COMD 1127 Type and Media, such as typeface selection and typographical grids. Problem-solving for the most common typographical problems is discussed.

Type Out New York

This booklet was for experimentation with layout techniques using text written by classmates about their favorite places in NYC. These layouts were used to learn about the many different features of Adobe InDesign and how/when to use them.

Click here to view the pdf of my book!


This is a booklet on social change and the people, organizations, and ideas that were and are, instrumental in generating forward movement. Our class chose the topics, some of which were well known, while other information was new to us. Besides providing an account of critical people and historical movements, this booklet was a typography assignment in which we learned to work with style sheets and parent pages while creating grid-based layouts using consistent typography, color, and design elements.

It was not easy! The design training for this booklet included many critiques: we asked questions, offered feedback, and worked hard on improving our work. We hope you enjoy the results.

Click here to view the pdf of my book!