Ethics Assignment: 2A Ethics and Design

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After reading the AIGA article “DESIGN BUSINESS + ETHICS”, I had read about the importance of using someone else’s work which can even include images or artwork from online sources like Google. Depending if the work is uncertain that it can be for commercial use or not, it would be really important to contact the photographer or designer for permission before using it in their work. Otherwise, it is not ethical where the designer is essentially stealing their work which is wrong even when done by accident.

Based on my work experience in designing the visual guide, I had to be aware of taking screenshots or video-record in the workplace which may require asking permission from all employees in the workplace. While I had been developing my visual guide for my internship, I had used several screenshots that I took with most of them focused on the core tasks. Some images which included certain people like the boss and supervisor may require permission if I am allowed to show their profile picture and name in the visual guide. Even if they are employees which are not much of the artwork, it is unethical if I post their profile pictures and name exposed without their permission, unless GAO Tek had a non-disclosure form that allowed employees’ names and profiles to appear in the company’s work.
