11/26 | HW, Film Summary (Essay 2 Assignment Update), etc.

11/26 | FILM SCREENING: Lo and Behold (2016; dir. Werner Herzog)
HW for Wed:
A.) Give your paper copies of Essay 2 to two other groups for them to provide feedback on.  Using Part I of the Essay 2 Peer Review handout sheet, have two members of your group give feedback on 2 essays by other groups.
B.) The other person/people in your group should compile your notes on Herzog’s Lo and Behold and write a 1-paragraph summary of the film.  In your summary, address 3 key points from the film that connect to at least 1 of your research articles and explain in detail what the connections are.  Put this summary in your Essay 2 Google Doc.
Summarize several points from Herzog’s Lo and Behold (2016).
Instead of having you summarize an article from one of the packets, I’ve decided to have you include a paragraph on the film we are watching.  Specifically, I want you to make note of:
–How the film presents multiple sides of the internet: its dark side, its brighter sides, its goofier sides, etc.
–3 key points from the film that connect to your topic in some way
In your summary for Essay 2, be sure to explain the connections between the film and your topic!
ANNOUNCE: Revised Essay 1 deadline extended to Wed 12/5.  Re-submit via the online submissions form.  ALSO: If you are worried about failing the class due to poor attendance or participation, please see me; there will be an extra-credit assignment you can do.

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