10/15: HW for Wed (Grammar Test! Essay 2, part D)

HW: Wednesday we will be doing a Grammar Test, so please look over the notes and exercises we’ve done so far.  Also, please type and post to the blog your individual paragraphs for Part D of the Essay 2 assignment.

12 thoughts on “10/15: HW for Wed (Grammar Test! Essay 2, part D)”

  1. For part B the key words I’ve researched on google scholar based on internet addiction was,  “society connection to the world, daily focus, internet interactions, internet behavior impact, social behavior.” A article I came across has 383,000 results when I searched up “relying on the technology” by Elizabeth W. Dunn, This recent article was published on November, 2017. Based of how in less than no time internet transformed a generation where technology is a source where people access information. I feel like this would be a  great article to read because the author tested a hypothesis addressing participants to find a unfamiliar building with or without phones for help. Compared to people without smart phones it was much easier to find there was but stated individuals felt ,”less socially connected” Basically bringing the experiment to a success with evidence that proves technology supplants aka replaces social interactions.

  2. In my group, I was in charge of part B. I used two different research data bases: Google Scholar and Nexis uni. For both research data bases I typed in the keywords social media and self-esteem. On Nexis Uni, I got 88 results. While scrolling through at least the first 15 or so articles, I came across 2 that I thought might be helpful: “Social media and adolescents: What are the health risks?” (2018) by Jessica Durbin, the other article was “Social media and how it affects self-esteem” (2017) by Daniel Stoll. I thought both of these will be helpful towards our research because they’re both recent articles, shows us the effects of social media on teenagers and just from the titles you can tell it was just what we were looking for. I then switched to Google Scholar and typed in the same keywords into the search engine. I did this on my phone so I couldn’t check for the amount of results I got from searching these words. Some of the articles that caught my attention were “comments on the motivational status of self-esteem in social identity and inter-group discrimination” and “Social comparison, social media and self-esteem” by Erin A Vogel.

  3. For part B I used Applied Science and tech database to research on my topic and I used the keywords ” Online gaming, Identity, Social interactions associated with gaming, Gaming disorder” When I searched the keyword “Gaming disorder” 68 results show on the database and I came upon the article “The role of social anxiety, the behavioral inhibition system and depression in online gaming addiction in adults”.  I believe that this article is good to read because the author explains the benefits and negative effects on players. This is important because it shows the reasons of a person excessively game and the excessive time used on it affects how they are as a person and how they display themselves. According to the article it stated”pathological gaming has increased over the last decade in concerns that excessive use of gaming can be detrimental to a persons well being”

  4. In my group I worked on part C, where I listed the article that me and my group members plan to use for the research and ones we don’t plan on using. The list states the article name, author, date of publication, some notes on each article and if the article would be helpful towards the research topic. I included various articles some of which were my own and some of which included my group members, also I made sure that I included a range of articles that I would use and even the articles I felt I wouldn’t use. The list allowed for a clear list of sources that will be helpful, and ones which wouldn’t be because of the included notes which helped figure out why or why not. Overall I kept track of the articles that can and cannot be used; allowing the process of research easier as I have a list of various sources.

  5. Part A.

    My group and I are focusing on social media’s impact on relationships and self-esteem. In my group we all discussed our personal experience with technology. I have seen social media have a good and bad impact on relationships and self-esteem. I have seen it have a good impact because I have seen people meet online and then from there grow into an amazing relationship. I have seen it have a bad impact because it is very easy to cheat in a relationship when technology is involved. There will always be multiple temptations when you go online. In the group discussion, Sofiyah said that she has seen technology impact relationships because she has seen it with her own personal experience. Sofiyah said that because we see youtubers and bloggers have a “perfect life/relationship” we want to have that as well. She has seen an impact on self-esteem because with models we are told what the ideal size, and color of beauty is. This leads to eating disorders and depression. In the discussion Taylor said that technology hasn’t impacted his self-esteem but he has seen it impact others. He gave an example that he once saw a girl post a picture of her new hair style that she liked, people started to comment rude stuff and then the next day she changed her hair style and posted a picture so that everyone can see it changed. Taylor said that there can be a positive impact because technology can encourage people to express themselves but it could also be negative because people talk down on you and you can lose motivation. Serge said that he has seen technology being used in a way where people use it to make themselves feel better, and only use it to see how many comments, and likes they can get on a photo. A research question we came up with was ” How does social media impact relationships and self-esteem?”.

  6. In my group we were given the topic ” Internet and Social Media Access Colonization”. The related experience I have with the topic was an incident that happened around 2008 when i was in middle school. We the students weren’t allowed to use smartphone not even at homes, when we were given assignments ( French Vocabularies ) to translate them, we had to go to the internet cafe and pay the internet service provider, which was timed. The database I did searched on google was with the topic ” Internet and Social Media Access across Africa” had a lot of search results, but the articles that caught my attentions were “A Social Media Boom Begins in Africa” by Andre-Michel Essoungou and was published on December 2010. Another article that drew my attention was the current article of Daniel Mumbere, which had the topic “Africa’s Internet users increase by 20%.

  7. For part C, my roll was to find and list articles that is usable for the group. I used Google Scholar and JSTOR as a search database. I found a couple of articles that was related to our research topic, “Health and Internet Addiction.” At first, I had to think of certain key words for my search. I had to try phrases with quotations.  Some of these articles had reasonable and detailed abstracts that was related to our research ; however , some of them weren’t. I labeled each article separately with the title , author, and reason of interests.

  8. Part C:

    We started by individually searching up terms related to our argument. At first, there was little success. Since our queries were too specific, we ended up getting zero results. But at the time we started to blame the databases. So after discussing which database was better, we decided to continue the research as a quasi-homework assignment. But conveniently, it was one of the steps for the essay; which made sure that we would all do it. Later in the week, we collected our thoughts and agreed that the databases, although small in size, has quality articles available. This time, we had far greater success. Most of the articles obtained could be used in our essay; probably because we used different databases like Applied Science & Technology and Google Scholar. By covering more databases, we were able to vary the articles used.

  9. Part B
    In my group we’re researching how we use artificial intelligence and the effect it has had on us as individuals and as a society. For my research I used a few sources. Google scholar, Academic One File, Project Muse, and the applied science and tech database. At first I simply searched for the term “Artificial intelligence” and quickly realized from the thousands of results which didn’t relate to what I was searching that I was gonna need more. I then searched for “artificial intelligence working with humans” and “virtual assistants helping people” and the results were a lot more promising. On Google scholar and academic one file I received many results on books and articles but I had to sift through them to find articles that I thought were worth my time. On Google scholar I found one article that I thought would be very helpful titled “Partners in cognition: Extending human intelligence with intelligent technologies” and on Academic One File I found another one called “The Dawn of a Newish Era: How AI, Robotics, and everything in Between Shapes our world. These article stuck out to me because they write about how we’re using AI to help us lead better lives. The other databases I used few results. More specifically the applied science and technology produced only 3 results and the articles were more about the actual science behind how AI works so it wasn’t gonna help much I thought.

  10. My group is focusing on online gaming and identity. In my group, we discussed our personal experience with technology. A personal experience I have with online gaming is when I get made fun of when I tell others I play games. Most of the time when I talk to someone that I play video games I get made fun or they think that I’m trying to fit in with the guys. I really don’t have many female friends because they have different interest than me so I usually have male friends. In today’s society, we are surrounded by technology. Everywhere we go People have their phones in their hand, and we see many screens buildings showing off their latest technology. We now depend on our phones, tablets, and even our laptops because we can call, text, social media. The article, I might use is called “ A gamers identity” by randy kulman. Randy talks about the different identity of gamers. Gamers identify their close friends as gamers. It shows by the the way they talk, play, and how it brings them closer. Gamers are often thinking about games all the time, they can’t even concentrate on other things like school or work because they are thinking about how they should win the game. But female gamers are often faced with challenges. Woman face stereotypes in the male-dominated territory, so they would get harsh words with ”you suck or this is for guys online you can’t join etc” In my experience with this is being a female gamer I was judged hasrhky. When I started out I was really bad, but gotten a little bit better over the yeras. I often talk to boys about this because most females I know don’t play. But when I do hang out with my male friends they would often say ” wow you suck or are you sure your a gamer?” At the point I felt so embarrassed and lost, but I reminded myself that I love games and that shouldn’t stop me continuing what i love doing. 

  11. For part A, these are the possible questions our group and other people in the world have or may have pertaining to AI.
    How will AI affect my life? How will AI affect job opportunities? Is AI dangerous? What are the kinds of AI? How long has AI been around? Is what I see on TV true about AI’s losing control? Who will be controlling they AI? Who will program it? Have I used AI before? How will AI react towards children and pets? What will I be able to use AI for and how will it make my life better?

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