Edward, Isais, Edgar

Topic and Perspectives


Professor Spivey

  1. Is it simple or is it too complex?
    • It does seem rather complex, but in a rather doable way in terms of its development. I do think that the features of the ideas that consist of helping alumni after graduation that aligns with their personality and with their interest. 
  2. Will it grab attention?
    • Yeah, it seems pretty well thought out in terms of what most alumni are looking for in their future careers. Like if someone wants to be a doctor, the app would most likely filter itself to cater to the person using and what they usually search for while on the app.
  3. Does It solve the problem outlined in the brief/ does it answer the brief?
    • Yes, since usually the most prevalent problem in this situation is regarding students who can’t seem to find work in their field after college, and end either struggling to get some type of work in their field for a long time or just end up not doing anything with their degree.
  4. Does it attract the audience intended? 
    • Yes, because most graduates are either looking for internships, career opportunities, and or gigs in their most wanted field.
  5. Is it entertaining?
    • It looks very much different from many other sites and job hunting social media with very different backgrounds. 
  6. Is there a call to action?
    • Maybe, I’m honestly not too sure. It sounds like many students are struggling to find work, or can’t find work in their desired field of work. Since it could be very difficult to find work in that regard.