Jan Tschichold, “The Principles of the New Typography” pg35-38, Karl Gerstner, Designing Programmes pg55-61, Joseph Muller-Brockman, “Grid and Design Philosophy” pg62-63 from Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong.


Here are the questions to which you should respond in your reading response:

  • How does each of these designers/authors think you should approach design?
  • Include an example of contemporary typography/layout that embodies each of these three design systems or philosophies. And explain why!

From the reading,  Jan Tshchichold believes that design should be more focused on readability and clarity rather than just the beauty or how good it looks, so he believes that when designing, being more technical rather than just looking at the atheistic aspect, creates a better organization of type and makes the work look more presentable. An example can be shown in both images below with easy-to-read and organized text.

Karl Gerstner believes that design should be planned or layout before execution. As a result, he thinks that a system should be used to help in the design process, for example, he created a diagram he called “ the morphological box of typo gram” as a solution to the typographic design problem and how to approach it visually. An example can be seen in the image below where a chart is used to explore different types of ways and combinations that can be made to create a logo for a company.

Joseph Muller-Brockman thought creating a grid system was crucial and allowed the design work to be more organized and clear. He believed that through the use of a grid system designers would be well prepared for the future and would have submitted to”universal validity” as a result as well. The image below shows the organized text and images in sections or a grid system that helps make everything look more lcear.




