Technology & Social Media

Figure 14: Koreans Usage of Social Media

The increase in the use of social media by Koreans over the years.

South Korea is known for being very advanced in technology compared to other countries.  They have a quick speed internet, and many people use the internet and social media.  As of 2020, the number of social media users are 52.4%.  According to the article, the social media penetration rate from April 2019 and January 2020 was 87% (Cervi, 2020).  The most popular platforms are Instagram which has 22.3% users, and YouTube has 22.4% (Marketing, 2021).   Both Instagram and YouTube continue to expand.  While other social media apps such as KaKao Story, Naver Band, and Facebook are declining. 

Since, 2011 and 2020 the number of LTE Smartphones has decreased while the number of LTE-A smartphones has increased.  In 2020, the percentage of Koreans who owned LTE Smartphones was 25.4% and the ones who owned an LTE-A Smartphone was 58.2% (Marketing, 2021).  The most popular cellphone brands in South Korea are Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Android.  Many people in South Korea own laptops now than before.  In fact, the rate in 2011 which was 23.8% increased in 2020 to 33.3%.  Social media usage in Korea continues to increase today.

Page Author: Naja Barber