Week 8? Can you believe it?

Hello all,

Sorry for the delay.

Homework for next week:

Be prepared to show a written draft of your proposal to the class.

Include the five sketches/diagrams you have made explaining different aspects of your game.

Please make a prototype of the game you are designing and test it on friends/family or people from our class. Ask your testers to play the game while you observe. While you may explain the ground rules refrain from playing yourself as you want to observe where the weaknesses can be found. This may be a physical prototype or digital.

Take 5-10 pictures of the process. Shoot 1-3 minutes of video of the process.

Conduct a short focus group with your UX testers in which you ask them for feedback? If they give permission you may record this.

Sample questions:

  1. What is your (first) impression of this game?
  2. What do you think the goal of this game is?
  3. Were the rules clear?
  4. What did you like about the game? Why?
  5. What did you dislike? Why?
  6. How did the game flow? Was it too slow? Too difficult? Too Easy? Why?
  7. Is there anything specific you would change?

Incorporate feedback into game proposal.

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