WEEK 6: Presentations … Moving on to Game Design!!!

I’m excited to finally see your presentations!!!

Next week I would like to have 5 minute midterm conferences with students during class. So please make sure your folders are in good shape and you have everything uploaded!


Analysis of your favorite (analog) game
– Select your favorite game (not a card game, sports game or cue sport game)

Give an analysis of the game including the following points:

  1. History (Brief introduction to the origins of the game)
  2. Description (As best as you can describe the game without going into details of how is played)
  3. Objective (What is the goal of the game)
  4. Rules (What are the rules to play the game)
  5. Feedback System (The manner in which the game informs its players about their performance)

The Analysis should be typed and include a couple of images to illustrate the game.
Type your name, name of the game and date at the upper left corner of the page. 
Save your document in PDF format.

Please Read and write a .5 -1 pg response to the paper.

MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research Robin Hunicke, Marc LeBlanc, Robert Zubek 

Class Challenge: The Exquisite Corpse Game Game

Design Focus: Rules on Three Levels

I’ve adapted the exercise for Miro:

The first person in each group secretly writes down two game rules for a game that could be played in the classroom, each rule on a separate post-it note in Miro.The top rule is covered up with another post-it note and the second is left visible.The second person looks at the second rule and writes two more. They cover the two first rules with a post-it note and leave the last rule visible for the third person to write one more rule and a winning condition.

The rules are then revealed and the group has to fashion a game out of the total set of rules.

The goal of the exercise is to see how rules interact with each other within the system of a game, and to explore the limits of ambiguity and specificity in rules.

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