I will be traveling next week for conference. Therefore next week will be an independent study day. (February 19th) I will be making up the time with extended office hours.

This is the plan: Today I would like you to Design a business card for yourself or another entity.

Make sure your business card reflects the below mentioned design principles. (Front and back)

specs: 3.5″ X 2″ | CMYK | export as a png and upload to your Openlab site.

Step 1: Find a business card on line that you like.

Step 2: Copy it with different information.

Step 3: Finally, incorporating what you learned from making the copy, design a second card that incorporates Visual hierarchy and one other design principle.

Step 4: Export both the copy and the final version to Openlab. Take a pic and upload it slack. That is how I will count you present next week.

Here is here is a brief tutorial I just made about TYPE. I wanted you to have this as a reference as you design your business cards.

Visual-design principles inform us how design elements such as line, shape, color, grid, or space go together to create well-rounded and thoughtful visuals.

  1. Scale
  2. Visual hierarchy
  3. Balance
  4. Contrast
  5. Gestalt

Nielsen Norman Group produced a useful guide