When I conducted my annotated bibliography my research was about problems that immigrants face when they migrate to a different country. Based on the research I have done the one specific audience I think that relates to my topic is human service professionals. A human service professional is someone who helps people facing troubles that may cause problems in living for them. I chose this audience because there are many problems in living that immigrants face and they need someone who is going to advocate for them. Human service professionals are an example of people who will help immigrants fight the problems they are facing. These professionals may know some about the problems immigrants face however they do not know all. Some concerns they may have about the subject would be how can they use the information given about how immigrants are treated to better understand the problem they are going through so that they can come up with a more effective way of helping them?

One reason why I think this information would be useful for this particular audience is because when immigrants move to a new country they may need someone to help them adjust and understand the new culture or deal with any emotions they are feeling. Human service professionals are the people who will sit down and guide them to become more self-sufficient. Another reason why I think this informational would be useful to this audience is so that the professional can have an idea of what types of trouble immigrants have been through. The research I have done will inform them on some types of problems immigrants face so that they can be better prepared to help them. The final reason I believe this information would be used to them is because they are people and like the rest of us have the power to vote and advocate for change. Whether it be protest or voting they have the power to promote equal treatment for immigrants. The reasons above are why I believe the information fro my research would be used to human service professionals.

The choice of my topic relates to my audience’s interest because in the field of human services they are all about helping people in need. My research shows that immigrants are in deep need of help and some people turn away from it. However human service professionals turn towards people with problems and help guide them to a solution. The genre that I would use for reaching this audience is through news reports. This is because immigrants is a topic that is kind of common in our news especially with our former president wanting to build a wall to keep them out. Also with all that is going on in the world people are watching the news more often so if i can reach them through a news report I am sure I will grab plenty of people, not jus human service professionals, attention.