For my personal poster, I’ve decided to display something that, in my opinion, I never thought would be possible. If you think this picture is in any way, shape or form photoshop well I’m here to tell you IT’S NOT and right now we are living in a new era, that might get a little uncomfortable. According to a website name Engineered Arts, there is a new and advance technology that goes by the name of AMECA. Based on what I’ve read on this site along and others, shown on my poster is a clear image of a humanoid robot made my engineers in hopes of present and future generation having a “human-robot interaction” The weird thing about all of this is that we are currently living in a pandemic and during this pandemic, as you can see, not everybody had a problem being on lockdown. They in fact found it useful. As much as I love watching sci-fi films, this might not be my cup of tea but in all good spirit, let see what happens.

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