
Hi everyone. I am Landy

My design goal is: be a good designer; be good at different design software. I enroll in the class Graphic Design Principle mainly because my major requires this class. Personally, a good designer should know the foundation of design, so this class should be very necessary for a beginner.

One of my family is a designer, and he inspires me a lot. He tells me that a good designer should learn by himself for whole life. Besides, the knowledge we learn from school is not enough to handle our work, so we should update our knowledge as soon as possible.

Firstly, I will brainstorm when I begin my design process. Secondly, I will write down some note or draw down the structure on a paper. Thirdly, I will search some background information about the project on internet. Finally, I will finish my design on the computer.

I am interesting in how to use color and finishing a project independently. Also, the project should be close to reality.

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