Journal Entry 10: The Final Stretch and Future Possibilities


Image from Freepik

Time really do pass by fast when you have been doing a lot of work for the semester. With that said, I enjoyed my experience working at the non-profit organization. From the simple, yet creative magazine designs to the engaging hat and t-shirt designs, all of these projects has helped me a lot on doing better in graphic and typographic design. It has been a hectic semester for me, from the animation senior project to making sure my portfolio website is properly designed and dealing with the tasks I was given by the supervisors at the organization. Though, I will be lying if I said that the experience in there isn’t an engaging and enlightening experience. Thanks to that internship opportunity, I have gotten a better grasp on how working at a company works. It does help that the supervisors are quite supportive of the design team.

With me earning the 120 hours I needed and me closer to graduating out of there with a Bachelor’s of Fine Art in Communication Design, my future possibilities in the communication design industry is massive. As much as I do want to stay at that organization to earn more, I will leave there to focus on other endeavors that I have in mind while studying Communication Design. With that said, being in this organization for this internship has been an enriching experience, with me having a much improved understanding on graphic design.