Dr. Tanvir Prince
On September 15th, 2022 Virtually via Zoom FROM 1:00-2:00 PM.
Meeting ID: 586 526 2264 and Passcode: SIAM2022
The talk is on
“How Image Morphing and Image Compression are related to Linear Algebra”
Mathematics is full of theories and applications. Students sometimes may have the misconception that you can only learn about application once you learn some advanced mathematics. But, on the contrary, some elementary introductory mathematics can have critical applications. Without image morphing and compression, we cannot imagine websites, Facebook, YouTube, and movie industries, to name a few, but it has applications in many other fields. I will explain it all in straightforward language. Introductory knowledge of linear algebra may be helpful but not required.
Dr. Tanvir Prince has a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Stony Brook University and is currently an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Hostos Community College, City University of New York. He is interested in such areas as Topological Quantum Field Theory and Recreational Mathematics. He has recently become very interested in Mathematics Education. He has presented at numerous international and national conferences. He regularly publishes articles on pure mathematics and mathematics education in various peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Prince is also collaborating on projects that expose community college students to mathematical research early in their academic careers. His other interests include traveling SIAM Talk Fall 2022 1and cooking.