- Hemangioma Paper
- For the oral pathology class, I was able to research and write a paper about hemangioma. Through this class, I learned that there can be some oral lesions that seem alarming but can be benign, and there are some that seem alarming and ARE alarming. As dental hygienists, it is important for us to continue to conduct head and neck exams so that we are able to detect anything suspicious and give referrals.
- Costs of Dental Services
- I work at a dental office as a dental receptionist so I know how the billing information works. Dental services are very expensive and not everyone is able to afford them, even in America. This is why there are many patients who are not even able to come to the clinic just for the cleaning. It is essential for us as dental hygienists to advocate cheaper healthcare alternatives, or even give more presentations on how to maintain great oral health.
- COVID and TikTok Research Analysis Paper
- One of my favorite research papers that I got to do during this program was this. During COVID, TikTok became a trend but it was scary that the teenagers were relying on the resources from TikTok and assuming different things about oral health. The reason why I got intrigued was, that I saw a TikTok saying that dentists will know if you had oral sex by looking into your mouth and next thing you know, we got all these teenagers are freaked out about it. So I did more research and even suggest that ADA or ADHA can make an account so that teenagers can get resources from a more reputable source that has the background research.
- Public Health Service Project+ Powerpoint
- For my senior Public Health Project, my group members and I were able to make a presentation and paper about teaching mothers about weaning the baby bottles before the babies start teething to avoid early childhood caries. We were able to present it in front of our classmates and were able to have fun ice breakers and we also learned a lot from the other presentations as well. Through working on this project, what I learned the most was that it is important to be engaging with the audience, and make sure that we use easy jargon so that the audience can also understand key points. Because of COVID, we were not able to go to the nursery and give the presentation then, but hopefully, in the future, I would love to go to a nursery and give this presentation to the mothers.
Picture with my lovely group members after our presentation