I’d like you to compare the two short videos and find common themes in the use of color.  Describe the use of color in each file and also discuss how each film makes effective use of type combined with image and audio. Remember, think in terms of contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity as well as typeface. When describing the colors, don’t forget to use color terms discussed last week such as monochromatic, warm vs. cool tones, complementary and analogous. How is the audio and the color and movement related to one another?

Write about what you thought of each video and what you liked and did not like. Also, you can discuss movie credits you have found memorable with regard to audio or color.

We watched a third move North by Northwest and then Into the spider Verse.

What do you think of each of these movie titles and describe what you find compelling about each of them. Please post your responses on your own ePortfolio Site.