a.) The Internship I am working for is Unity for Equality, which is a nonprofit organization. In terms of logos, they gave me their logo to put on mockup designs, newsletters, and any other project that has been assigned to me. My first assignment was to create some mockup designs using the company’s logo. My second assignment was to make a newsletter. The topic for this newsletter is World Population Day, so I created an icon to symbolize the day, and I used a stock image to represent it. I would use Shutterstock and iStock to get stock images and royalty-free images. I would also use Adobe Spark to get templates. I avoid using any photos that are not stock photos or royalty-free photos. With every project that I will be assigned, I would always use the logos and photos correctly.

Shutterstock: https://www.shutterstock.com

iStock: https://www.istockphoto.com

Adobe Spark: https://spark.adobe.com/templates

b.) For my internship site, there was no confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement that I was given to sign by Unity for Equality. Since I am a student intern working for college credit, I would be guided as to what to do and what not to do in when I am doing graphic design projects. I would be learning as I am working, which is great because I would know what to expect when I go out and get a job. I do believe that any working experience is a learning experience in life. I really appreciate this experience that I am having, and I am thankful for it.