Design Business and Ethics by AIGA

The client’s guide to design, and Use of illustrations, and Guide to copyright were great reading. There was a lot of great reading there that was very useful for someone. Both designers and clients can benefit from this especially the client’s guide to design. The is about how to approach a designer and how to get information from the firm. Copyrighting I understand a little bit they are saying that there are somethings that you can copyright but some you cannot.

For me, the use of illustrations was my favorite one because they had very good information that I can use when I need it. The author talks about how you can’t ask for an original illustration without paying for the artist which I think is fair because they don’t have to give it to you. Just like if you go anywhere and you see something that you like you have to spend money on so why should this be any different. They go on to talk about you shouldn’t ask an artist to copy someone’s work because that’s stealing and it’s illegal. Which again I agree because that person art that you are copying spends time and money doing the work for you to just copy it like why can’t you come up with something new. Me being the artist that I am who understand the hard work that comes with creating illustrations sometimes the creation doesn’t just come over time like sometimes it takes very long so for someone to just copy what I did isn’t fair at all. Reading these articles really gave me an eye-opening to the business world in design.

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