Author Archives: Kimberly Cuascut

The Set-Up

This movie was like a tease.

It was like if we didn’t read the poem, it would be hard to understand the background story. I think the person who produced the movie could have changed the way they ended the scene. It just made me continue questioning what happened to the other characters. In this movie there wasn’t a Femme Fatale the enemies were male, but the reason for the climax, is the same as all other movies. Money. I knew while watching the movie, what kind of vibe to get between characters, from what they said to one another or how their body’s were positioned.

Double Identify

Well its pretty obvious that Phyllis is the Femme Fatale to this movie, which we defined as a beautiful character that leads the main character into danger. Which would be Walter. Walter was just a car insurance sales man who never thought about harming a man (or so I hope not) until he met her.

While watching the play I mainly focused on the character, dialogue and theme/ genre convention. With the characters I made note on how each character started acted throughout the movie, how certain events in the movie made the character act a certain way or change their tone, or something they did. I know characters take full part in movies because it allows the audience to guess what kind of things might happen at the end of the movie even before seeing it. Dialogue is used between the characters, like when Phyllis and Walter had conversations alone you could tell by what she said after a period of time that she was just a manipulator and could care less about Walter, and just about the money. Just like in The Maltese Falcon the stories carried the same theme/ genre convention about some sort of power, and money being a main target to the characters.