Highlights of Each Project

  1. what i really took from this project is that yes you can buy things a really cheap price but the price would reflect the quality of the product.
  2. What i took away from project 2 is that scheduling is very important, because in this project you are building for this show during the haunted hotel run. Then loading in a few days from the strike of the haunted hotel, and then after that show there is another quick turnaround for the next show.
  3. For project I would say the highlight was build that custom curved molding. What i learned from this is that you can do curve cuts on the table saw.
  4. I feel like the highlight from project 4, was the budget because in my eyes that was the biggest part of that particular project. there is a lot of things you could have missed if you didn’t look closely. This thought  me to take my time and make sure you didn’t miss anything.