Debriefing for project 1


I think I did understand the problem correctly on my part my main problem was finding all the materials needed for the sandwich.

The main issue at stake for me was finding a plate like the one the designer asked for, mainly because I knew where i was getting the rest of the stuff from.

My problem-solving strategy was doing research mostly and some trial and error.

It was hard trying to schedule time to borrow my mom car to go out to buy the stuff, this was so because she had work when  I was home.

Going to get the stuff was very easy.


this problem is like working in the shop as the person ordering materials because they have to figure out what is needed, when is the best time to deliver the materials.

things that would differ in the real world is that you would have more to account for, for examples there is traffic in the real world that may cause your delivery to be late.

one thing that wasn’t apart of the problem that might be presented in the real world is having to talk to other departments to make sure your not in there way when you are coming to load-in, also you would have to account for things like the measurements of the space and doors to make sure you can actually load your stuff in.


first thing I learn is you have to choose between a cheap price and the quality.

In the real world I would try to find the middle ground where I find an decent priced, decent quality object.

The next the may come up in the real world is in our next project, some of my other class projects, and if I ever get a managing position at a scene shop.