
Category: Unit 2: Assignment 2 (Page 2 of 12)

My Genre and Analysis

Excuse Letter

The Analysis of My Genre:

My genre writing is an excuse letter format. In this genre the writing will be to yourself or someone else. This writing is a personal writing and less formal.

The purpose of this genre in general is to request an absence from work/school/practice or any other mission. In my case the writer is a soccer player requesting an absence from a soccer team practice.

The impacting community of this genre is by help the reader get the necessary information efficiently and with respect to the reader’s attention.

The language and vocabulary terms will be used in this genre are polite and showing a respect to the reader.

Analysis of the Genre (Trip Advisor)

Analysis of “Trip Advisor” to Quest Diagnostics Testing Center


Who wrote it/the speaker: IT and Marketing Department employees of Quest Diagnostics. Healthcare professionals who knows the company protocol and people working on companies development.


The audience: medical professionals such as: physicians, nurses, medical assistants, phlebotomists, who is interested in going to medical field, patients who go to their annual check up to do their blood test.


The kind of community that is invested in or impacted by this writing: people who work for the Quest Diagnostics and people who go to get their blood drawn as a patient. On the other hand, as an employee they want to give their patients quality and safe services and on the webpage they have to put reliable information. Physicians who orders the tests and all the medical staff who keep tracks the results.


The purpose of this writing: this webpage is guiding, advicing, informing, educating people about different tests and their option in Quest Diagnostics Center.


Some key vocabulary or language terms you might find (if any) that are Common in this form of writing: names of different tests, phlebotomy, blood draw, diagnostic testing center, healthcare.


The sorts of ways that people try to write effectively in this genre: The Quest Diagnostic Center wants to make their webpage very efficient, convenient, clear, reliable, organized and affordable. The webpage needs to lead to other informations that people look for.

Genre Analysis

Name       : Wael Nagy

Course     : ENG 1121, E106

Professor: Schmerler



Genre Analysis

My kind of genre is a biography; it is about Lockheed Martin company biography, the reason that I chose this company is my passion for it.

The audience of my genre is public people especially the people who interest in this company especially who are looking to work for it.

The kinds of people that may benefit from this writing are a recent graduated, student, and career-shifting employee. These kinds of people can benefit from this writing by having knowledge and information about the company may help them in many things such



The purpose of this writing is to have more information about the company that I love from the research that I did, it may help me or help someone else read it in many things such in a job interview.

The analysis of the genre (Yelp review)

Maria Partsevsky


Prof. Schmerler



The analysis of the genre (Yelp review)


Who wrote it/the speaker: people who tried this activity and share their experience so that other people will follow their advices or could be aware of what might happen, what to expect.


The audience: people who are looking for activities and how to spend their free time involved art and something for memories made by your hands.


The kind of community that is invested in or impacted by this writing: mostly parents with kids, the reason is to show them something new to do, spend time with them in different environment, plus to introduce kids to a new stage of art activity to become more creative and to feel what it is like to make something with your own hands.


The purpose of this writing: the ability to be in someone’s shoes, to read about pros and cons of this particular activity, to decide where to go better


Some key vocabulary or language terms you might find (if any) that are common in this form of writing: Metaphors; lots of exclamation marks!!!!; CAPITALIZED LETTERS AND WORDS; numbers in usage of prices and time; LOL; smiley faces J


The sorts of ways that people try to write effectively in this genre: they try to write as many reviews as possible to become reliable and trustworthy person, that others would see the marks like “local expert” or “elite” next to the people’s names. People try to organize their reviews into paragraphs for easy reading. They include personal pictures. They write about their feelings and emotions to become closer to a reader.

Finding freedom from the court calendar.   

T-Jai Murphy 

ENGLISH 1121 E106 

Professor: Sarah Schmerler 

Date April 28th, 2019  


English Essay 

Finding freedom from the court calendar. 


I search my universe to come forth with a verse; while I disburse my experience among all alert. I am a person. What more should I assert? I decided not to approach the United States District Court bench. I held a perspective in which I saw an ulterior motive, so I preemptively sent in my notice. I move about from within my realm of thoughts. I find freedom knowing I am often shining bright enough to be seen in my transmission of thought. Finding freedom in the form of thinking presented itself to me. Not the other way counter clockwise. I am the clockwise counter. 


Thinking happens to be a form of freedom that I possess. Without thinking, my experiences through life would be seen solely in an unknown subjective state. Having thoughts, or if its further defined to speak on my ability to have an imagination, allows me to construct ideas in detailed ways in preparation for my projection. I can exemplify myself through the similarity of vocal or literary patterns I find cognizable, seen by the behavior in the perceived audience. I interpret the resonance of the audience that receive my illustrated thoughts. There are individuals who have dedicated their lives, guiding secular flows through information. Each person has dialects which they profess their selves with. It is up to me to imagine how to orchestrate my pattern of thoughts to transmit what I resonate.  


I find the mobility of an individual capable of traversing grounds unfamiliar, is dependent upon the fluency with which one can find himself ethereally moving with the current sea of events. Not approaching the bench, is my means of acting out the images I see as parallels within my own cosmos. I have enlightened other people in seeing the lights that I look upon, as comparisons to what I hold sacred in this world we share.  Such matters are paramount to my beliefs and equate to licensure to be privy to my thoughts.        


When my thoughts are sought after, demands are made. There is rarely tenderness displayed while in pursuit of the focused agenda. Nonetheless, activity is an ongoing process, where the constituents of a conglomeration are affected by the impact of forces that approach their circumference. The transmission of thought has force. The power, or freedom found, is the ability act with or respond to given forces from varying angles 


The essence that I intended to present with my self-propagating steam, is seen as the location of my focus, where my form of condensation has its apex of aggregation. All of which has been written to express the context of finding freedom in the multitude of abundant resources. Use of such resources requires the application of forces across a distance, to continue the promotion of forward motion. Motion within a domain or plane of existence occurs through sustained efforts. Freedom is held while balancing interdimensional positioning and being cognizant of density. Freedom is in the ability to act and respond. The choice to do so is on the will of time and space. Clockwise counting turns my gears and mathematicise my efforts. There must be freedom in the oversight or the sight that is seen! 

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