
Category: 1st Unit: Literacy (Page 3 of 24)

Backpack vs. Briefcases Reflection

In these enjoyable experts “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” by Laura Carroll the author tends to go over some interesting topics.  In the “Backpacks Vs. Briefcases”, the author is describing how the Rhetorical analysis has been around for so long and how society is so used to it, we often don’t realize how big of a deal it maybe.  I found myself  understanding the “Backpacks Vs. Briefcases” to the fact Carroll actually puts an image in your head right off the bat you could automatically relate to. For example, when she mentions first impressions, that’s probably the best thing I could relate to due to the fact I am guilty of doing it. They go on to talk about how it mostly impacts mostly on students.

Genre 1

Shahadat Hossain

Prof. Schmerler’s


Section D439

                                 Local Pizza Parlors vs. Chain Pizza Franchise: The Better Pizza

Pizza is one of America’s favorite food. The mouth-watering flat, open-faced baked pie of Italian origin, consisting of a thin layer of bread dough topped with spiced tomato sauce and cheese, often garnished with anchovies, sausage slices, mushrooms, etc. originated from Gaeta, Italy in 997 AD.  In 1905, Gennaro Lombardi opened the first pizzeria in New York, United States of America. In the present time, there are two types of pizza joints in the US: local pizza joints and chain pizza franchises. The lingering question of which is better of the two has been a long debate.

Local pizzerias are the place to satisfy one’s hunger. Chain pizza franchise can be found in every corner of the States. On the other hand, local pizza parlors can only be found within the area, therefore, caters only a number of customers.

On the other hand, chain pizza franchise takes pride of their distinct taste in which the regular costumers go to whenever they need a pizza fix, unlike local pizza parlors where customers are uncertain as to the overall taste of their pizzas. Moreover, chain pizza franchise already had made its mark in the industry that they must uphold the name of the franchise at all times. Local pizza parlors, on the other hand, are more experimental on making artisanal pizza, which somehow, turns disastrous at times.

Local produce or ingredients are used by local pizza parlors which make them unique from other pizzerias. However, these ingredients may not be readily be available; since, some are seasonal. For this reason, local pizza parlors can be inconsistent with its menu. On the contrary, chain pizza franchise has ready and available ingredients that could last for a long time. The latter’s quality of pizza is known upon arrival.

At times, people crave for pizza at the later time of the day had only the option to order from chain pizza rather than the local pizza parlor since the former closes in the later time of the day. The availability of the pizza of the chain pizza franchise during anytime of the day gives appeal to its customers. Therefore, local pizzas have only become an option because of its accessibility.


Lastly, local pizza chains are mostly expensive since it uses fresher ingredients and are less greasy than chain pizza franchise. The profit of the local pizza parlors is also dependent on the price range of their ingredients; they rarely give discounts, unlike chain pizza franchises, which, are extravagant, to the point that they have promos such as Buy One Get One (BOGO) pizzas.

Loyal eating customers look for consistency in a product, to which case, the chain franchise can cater its customers. Chain pizza franchise deems to cater more to the customers than local pizza parlors by quality, accessibility, availability and price. Therefore, branded pizza franchise is the place in time of need.



Works Cited


“The Definition Of Pizza”. Www.Dictionary.Com, 2019,


Stradley, Linda. “Pizza – History And Legends Of Pizza”. What’s Cooking America, 2019,

“A Brief History Of Pizza In The U.S.”. Persona Pizzeria, 2019,

“Pizza Chains Vs. Mom & Pop Shops – What’s Cookin’ In NYC”. Eportfolios.Macaulay.Cuny.Edu, 2019,

“National Vs. Local Pizza Chains”. News12.Com, 2019,



Let Freedom Ring-Revised

Jason Morales                                                                                                                                                   Morales 1

CUNY of Technology

English 1121-Section E106

Prof. Schmerler





Freedom for me is a natural and exclusive right which people have enjoyed since the day they were born. Freedom is not something that can be touched, seen, felt or reached. All this gives a vague idea about freedom. Can we define freedom? And do we really have it?

People all round the world with many backgrounds and/or cultures have different opinions, definitions and thoughts about the idea of freedom and what it means to them. Some people think freedom in political sense, others think about social freedom, and others talk about personal independence and religious freedom. But with all the different topics and opinions, one thing stands for sure, that everyone wants to be free in.

Freedom for many of us is the choice to live one’s life to do what one wants, live where one wants, to eat what you want and learn what one’s heart desires. Freedom is to pick and choose what religion to practice or who to marry or what college to go to. Clearly, freedom can apply to different aspects of life and is not an absolute term.

We have freedom to ensure honesty, self-awareness and respect and not just live free but for all societies define and practice freedom in their own respect. Different cultures around the world see their form freedom in their own light, and thus people living in different cultures around the world can enjoy freedom in ways that are appropriate and humanly correct.

Jason Morales                                                                                                                                                   Morales 2

CUNY of Technology

English 1121-Section E106

Prof. Schmerler



Enjoying and practicing our freedom does not mean that we disregard the rights of others and live solely the way we feel right. We have to consider the rights and the feelings of people around us when living our freedom simple by respecting their rights. Similarly a free person does not have to fear or suffer discrimination when expressing their opinion, we all need to ensure that everyone feels safe and their feelings are not hurt. Societies which encourage freedom of opinion, thoughts, beliefs, expression, choice etc. are the ones where creative minds flourish and people are safe to express themselves.

Does freedom come with independence? I believe both freedom and independence is the same word because it’s toward the same cause. I believe freedom gives us the right to appreciate the enchanted beauty of nature around us. A person who is worried and anxious cannot be free at mind and hence cannot enjoy the scenic beauty all around us, the magnificent beauties of the nature, the incredible smells when walking thru a market place, or even enjoying the different types of music played around the world. Freedom is a state of your mind that implies that your mind and body is under no fear or compulsion of safety in life. I believe education or preaching does not make us free, yet it’s a stepping stone to commencing to freedom, to achieve following an idea of a person or an example of a master is not a sign of freedom either. I believe freedom is the absence of any pressure from the social, political and religious environment that we live in and to able to do what we think is correct.

Jason Morales                                                                                                                                                   Morales 3

CUNY of Technology

English 1121-Section E106

Prof. Schmerler



I feel that freedom has certainly no particular definition or absolute meaning, because for everyone it would mean something different and unique. I believe that freedom, if not properly viewed or have some constraints, can be very harmful as well. For a prisoner, being out of the prison means freedom, but for non-prisoners, freedom is something that a person is free to do while abiding by social customs and law of the country. No societies or countries can guarantee absolute freedom to everyone. I believe the reason being that it will be a complete chaos if we try understanding what everyone in other countries or societies believe what freedom means to them. Freedom itself is not an absolute right, and it too has some constraints. A freedom that poses threat to the society and the nation we live in is not freedom in real sense. We cannot kill people, violate laws, smuggle drugs or doing anything illegal to the society and call it freedom. But then if crime is not freedom are we really constricting people to live a certain way?

I believe that freedom should be part of our basic rights as people. Some freedom is specific to the age group that we fall into. A child shall be free to play, to be loved by parents and family. This nurturing and bonding may be the idea of freedom to a child. Similarly to a teenager, freedom may be about hanging out with friends, enjoying group activities. The adults may enjoy social life, marriage and raising their children as part of their freedom. The elderly people may seek security of health and life, spend good time with grandchildren, involve in religious and social activities and believe that to be their freedom.


Jason Morales                                                                                                                                                   Morales 4

CUNY of Technology

English 1121-Section E106

Prof. Schmerler



I truly believe freedom is far more than a concept. Deprivation of freedom itself can be harmful and toxic to people. So whatever freedom you have, try to make the most of it and enjoy that freedom. You never know when that freedom that you treasure and truly believe in might end or be changed and/or altered.

Let Freedom Ring-Revised

Jason Morales                                                                                                                                                   Morales 1

CUNY of Technology

English 1121-Section E106

Prof. Schmerler





Freedom for me is a natural and exclusive right which people have enjoyed since the day they were born. Freedom is not something that can be touched, seen, felt or reached. All this gives a vague idea about freedom. Can we define freedom? And do we really have it?

People all round the world with many backgrounds and/or cultures have different opinions, definitions and thoughts about the idea of freedom and what it means to them. Some people think freedom in political sense, others think about social freedom, and others talk about personal independence and religious freedom. But with all the different topics and opinions, one thing stands for sure, that everyone wants to be free in.

Freedom for many of us is the choice to live one’s life to do what one wants, live where one wants, to eat what you want and learn what one’s heart desires. Freedom is to pick and choose what religion to practice or who to marry or what college to go to. Clearly, freedom can apply to different aspects of life and is not an absolute term.

We have freedom to ensure honesty, self-awareness and respect and not just live free but for all societies define and practice freedom in their own respect. Different cultures around the world see their form freedom in their own light, and thus people living in different cultures around the world can enjoy freedom in ways that are appropriate and humanly correct.

Jason Morales                                                                                                                                                   Morales 2

CUNY of Technology

English 1121-Section E106

Prof. Schmerler



Enjoying and practicing our freedom does not mean that we disregard the rights of others and live solely the way we feel right. We have to consider the rights and the feelings of people around us when living our freedom simple by respecting their rights. Similarly a free person does not have to fear or suffer discrimination when expressing their opinion, we all need to ensure that everyone feels safe and their feelings are not hurt. Societies which encourage freedom of opinion, thoughts, beliefs, expression, choice etc. are the ones where creative minds flourish and people are safe to express themselves.

Does freedom come with independence? I believe both freedom and independence is the same word because it’s toward the same cause. I believe freedom gives us the right to appreciate the enchanted beauty of nature around us. A person who is worried and anxious cannot be free at mind and hence cannot enjoy the scenic beauty all around us, the magnificent beauties of the nature, the incredible smells when walking thru a market place, or even enjoying the different types of music played around the world. Freedom is a state of your mind that implies that your mind and body is under no fear or compulsion of safety in life. I believe education or preaching does not make us free, yet it’s a stepping stone to commencing to freedom, to achieve following an idea of a person or an example of a master is not a sign of freedom either. I believe freedom is the absence of any pressure from the social, political and religious environment that we live in and to able to do what we think is correct.

Jason Morales                                                                                                                                                   Morales 3

CUNY of Technology

English 1121-Section E106

Prof. Schmerler



I feel that freedom has certainly no particular definition or absolute meaning, because for everyone it would mean something different and unique. I believe that freedom, if not properly viewed or have some constraints, can be very harmful as well. For a prisoner, being out of the prison means freedom, but for non-prisoners, freedom is something that a person is free to do while abiding by social customs and law of the country. No societies or countries can guarantee absolute freedom to everyone. I believe the reason being that it will be a complete chaos if we try understanding what everyone in other countries or societies believe what freedom means to them. Freedom itself is not an absolute right, and it too has some constraints. A freedom that poses threat to the society and the nation we live in is not freedom in real sense. We cannot kill people, violate laws, smuggle drugs or doing anything illegal to the society and call it freedom. But then if crime is not freedom are we really constricting people to live a certain way?

I believe that freedom should be part of our basic rights as people. Some freedom is specific to the age group that we fall into. A child shall be free to play, to be loved by parents and family. This nurturing and bonding may be the idea of freedom to a child. Similarly to a teenager, freedom may be about hanging out with friends, enjoying group activities. The adults may enjoy social life, marriage and raising their children as part of their freedom. The elderly people may seek security of health and life, spend good time with grandchildren, involve in religious and social activities and believe that to be their freedom.


Jason Morales                                                                                                                                                   Morales 4

CUNY of Technology

English 1121-Section E106

Prof. Schmerler



I truly believe freedom is far more than a concept. Deprivation of freedom itself can be harmful and toxic to people. So whatever freedom you have, try to make the most of it and enjoy that freedom. You never know when that freedom that you treasure and truly believe in might end or be changed and/or altered.

The Good Ol’ Days Genre

Luis Espinoza

English 1121


The Good Ol’ Days


Thinking back through all the years

How fast they have come by

I close my eyes to sing in my head

You were something that had me stuck to my bed

A raging thunderstorm

Had all my uniforms covered in stains

But the memories is all the remains


Fear- a factor

With the toughest, there you stood

Motivated to go out and lay the wood

You devoted me to hard work and dedication

That then caused me to take medication

I’ve dealt with horrible sprains

But that’s just to see those cut back lanes


Never have I thought I’d be playing

But there I was waving

Loud cheers and big hits

Boom there goes someone lit

Fear was an extreme factor

Had me looking like a deer in headlights


This intense game isn’t for everyone

But there I was on that green grass

Sharing a laugh with everyone as it was my senior year

There I was over my fear


Being captain something incomparable

Being looked up to for benching 265

There goes the little jv kids looking into my eyes


My Shelf

  • The hateful 8
  • “Us” the movie
  •  the batman
  • gravity falls
  • plant of the apes
  • Street Dream II “Logic”
  • Keanu Reeves “Logic”
  • Legacy “Logic”
  • Regular Show
  • Iron fist season 2
  • Batman who laughs or DC metal
  • Bohemian Trapsody “Logic”

Freedom Draft 2

Amina Rahman

Eng 1121D E115

Prof S. Schmerler


Draft #2 Freedom



We all wonder, what does freedom really mean? America in itself is constantly changing: sometimes it seems as if religion can get some people into trouble, which makes people feel as if they do not have a voice or a say in what they may or may not believe in. We need things to change because this society seems as if it is being caught up with the old generation’s way of thinking: this has us all separated, it seems. Now, let us take women for example, I feel like not enough of us have certain rights to be truly free. This needs to drastically change for the future. We need more opportunities and more freedom in our everyday life. Let us make a change, because the future will still involve women and there is no way around it. Women exist in this world and play a vital role. Take a pause and think, how would this world be if women ceased to exist? For me, that is something my mind cannot even fathom.

In Bangladesh, women do not have certain rights. We are held accountable for a lot of things, when in reality, we don’t deserve the blame for them. We’re expected, for example, to listen to men and forced to cover up our heads, because the men in this society believes as if it’s okay for them to make all rules. They think it’s okay for them to decide what’s good or bad for women. Ridiculous, right? Also they won’t allow women to wear short dresses and we must be covered from head to toe. In a Muslim family women are treated as property.

Additionally, the ignorance that many women possess regarding their rights are feared of repercussion from a male dominated and highly chauvinistic society, which keeps us from speaking out for ourselves, or try to at least. For example, a female who walks out of the house to go the Bazar (shopping) to pick up something. Males will be so quick to judge and question why is she leaving the house without a hijab (covering head piece).  So his mind is quick to rape her if she isn’t wearing one. This is sick, and we need to come to a resolution, because if we leave at a certain time, women in Bangladesh are targeted, threatened or harassed.

Another example, living under men’s rule is annoying and they think we should live a double standard life. Double standard means a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups, especially when applied between women and men.  I’m sure nobody wants to settle for that. At the end of the day we don’t want to be treated as second class citizens or property. We should be treated as equal.

In the Malcolm X reading, we see that he went through a hardship. He was locked up for burglary. Malcolm X, one of the most influential Black leaders of the twentieth century, found his life during his jail time. He got letters when he was locked up. From the day he got locked up he began on his journey to become a better reader, by studying the dictionary and learning words everyday and for a better vocabulary. This was his way of writing letters. Reading, writing, and understanding was his goal to improve. Education was important to him. During his time, slavery and separation was still present.  Black people didn’t have the opportunity to get an education. Malcolm wanted a change. He taught himself to be educated. At the end of the day, his life changed for better. He eventually dedicated his life to Islam, and to Mecca, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. He was chastised for changing his name from a caucasian man’s last name to X. When Malcom made his pilgrimage he changed his name to el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz. I see this as a great example for the evolution of oppressed women in some religious belief systems.

Overall, Bangladeshi women don’t have authority as much as men do. I can compare this to myself, a Bangladeshi woman, and Malcolm X , who lived in the Islam world. Malcolm X got locked up and he was still able to build his life to become a better person. Whereas even women suffer from discrimination in Bangladesh from the way clothing is worn to the way they’re being treated. Freedom is defined differently in people’s life, but, freedom, however, should be defined equally for both men and women.

A recipe, and a poster on procrastination

Procrastination Recipe

Procrastination on a 10 Page Paper

Needed things

  • Project due date
  • Lazy student
  • Distractions
  • Energy drinks
  • Anxiety
  • Lots of panic

So your 10 page paper on a table is due in 48 hours. Good luck. Cancel all plans and cram as much as you can in there.



  1. Spend the first 2-3 hours researching your topic
  2. Reward yourself with 15-30 minutes of youtube/ videogames
  3. Lunch is coming up, so go prepare that
  4. 4-5 hours have passed, you should create a outline
  5. Spend 30-60 minutes on an intro
  6. Reward yourself again
  7. For the first two pages, write only about the creators of the table
  8. Give your hand some rest, It’s been almost 8 hours of typing
  9. Realise you spent too much time procrastinating
  10. Panic (10-15 minutes)
  11. Spend the next 4-6 hours typing
  12. Go back and edit sentences
  13. Edit again to make longer sentences
  14. Relax , you spent all day writing
  15. Go to bed
  16. Don’t sleep for 3-8 hours
  17. Panic in bed
  18. Get out of bed
  19. Eat breakfast while working on the paper
  20. Add citations
  21. Add more Sentences
  22. Realize you only need two more pages
  23. Nap
  24. Nap too long
  25. Wake up in a panic
  26. Rush the paper
  27. Realize the paper is too short
  28. Add more citations
  29. Extend sentences
  30. Submit

Notes: It’s your fault you had 48 hours

Your Shelf (list) of Influences


Things that influence me:

  • Blink 182 (band)
    • All the Small Things
    • She’s out of Her Mind
    • What’s my Age again
    • Bored to Death
  • Hollywood Undead (band)
    • Undead
    • Believe
    • Gravity
    • Undead
    • Lion
  • Bullet for my Valentine (band)
    • Tears don’t Fall
    • Tears don’t fall Part 2
    • Waking the demon
    • Your Betrayal
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