
Category: Assignment 1 (Page 4 of 10)

Lipography About My Biggest Fear (No Descending Letters)

In this essay, I was tasked with a bid to write a “lipography” about something that I am afraid of, omitting all descending letters of the alphabet, such as: g, j, p, q and y.

You know what scares me the most? DEATH!!! Oh, not that I will die sometime, I’ll be dead, what would I care about death when I’m onboard the death train? No, I’m not at all a-scared of death for me. What scares me the most is losing a loved one; that’s the hardest element to deal with in this world, to me at least.

all other circumstance in this world, while we are still alive; time heals. Time heals all wounds, the loss of a loved one; I wish was just a wound, but time cannot heal this absolute loss. With this one, time allows us to relive our lives without them. It allows us the room to learn how to live with the loss, but it will never make them visible in our world, it just makes it a little easier to not think about the loss, but to think about their lives which remains stand fast in our memories.

It wasn’t until last summer – I wish I can write the name of the month, but It ends with a letter I cannot use; It wasn’t until then, when I received an answer to better receives and handle this unavoidable transition, we call death! The voice within the universe said to me: “Do not hold death so close to you, it is the natural occurrence of all creatures of this world. Mom and Dad are to board the death train in advance! What’s worse? Mom and Dad to be a witness at their child’s wake, or a child being a witness at Mom and Dad’s wake? It would be so much easier to use one word which starts with a letter I cannot use, instead of Mom and Dad. No Mom and Dad should ever live to see that death has taken their child, but its an ordination that the child must witness such a loss.

It was on that date sometime back in the summer, when I received the sanction to conceded to the inevitable loss that I must and should be a witness to. It was then that the scariness of death to Mom and Dad diminished for me.

GGomez Fears and Cure

The Fear (without descending letters)

An event that I fear the most on a constant basis is the finite life of this wonderful elixir I have in front of me. This coffee bean immersion , a caramel concoction , a “just-add water” fix. Without this drink I’m not sure how I survive the 24 hour rotation around the sun. I fear it’s end such a drink is the motivator at the start of the clock and the vital shot  of animation that I need in the late hours of the dark. This caramel latte of mine is the current love of mine’s life. To lose it would be a heartbreak immensible…  Also , coffee isn’t free.


The Cure (attempted without using ascending letters)

My relief, a cure to finite coffee is more than a caffeine  switch, rather the solution to a problem? Why do I need coffee ? Why? The cure is in the problem. Or perhaps a substitution  Coping with loss. Loss of people’s presence , loss in affection. Coffee supplies dopamine. He provided some of that. Time for another vice?  Or rather another view. Be your own vice. Put your wants in perspective. Stop chasing small highs. Go for the continual growing ones. Invest in your growth. Paint your cursed room. Buy that Ikea bookcase. Get those prada glasses you’ll only wear once. Splurge yourself. You were more than a bitter job, find another. Be productive in yourself. South Korea is 16 hours away from your mental health. Too young to focus on anyone but yourself.

My Fear and Cure

Face to a lot of audience is most afaid for me. I’m afraid of crowd look at me. I feel nervous and sweat when I’m in a situation like that. It makes me feel like each and talk about me. I wish to avoid this situation where I have to talk in front of lots of audience. This is a fear that I would like to overcome because I know I will encounter in life where I have to address a crowd.



To overcome my scare have to stay in confident, courageous say everything that I want to say. Encounter I can’t be shy.

Fear & Cure

Jason Morales

CUNY of Technology

English 1121-Section E106

Prof. Schmerler



Assignment #1:                                                                Fear and Cure


When I sit down and think about my greatest fear, I have to admit that the fear of heights comes to mind. I can think as far back as when I was a child that the fear of heights has been in the back of my mind. I can’t stand in front of a window in a high rise tower without the feel of light headiness or scared. I can’t even watch a movie that has a scene of someone looking through a high rise window because I get nervous.


In honestly I don’t know what would be a cure to that fear, but I do remind in search of the cure.

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