Jason Morales Morales 1
CUNY of Technology
English 1121-Section E106
Prof. Schmerler
Freedom for me is a natural and exclusive right which people have enjoyed since the day they were born. Freedom is not something that can be touched, seen, felt or reached. All this gives a vague idea about freedom. Can we define freedom? And do we really have it?
People all round the world with many backgrounds and/or cultures have different opinions, definitions and thoughts about the idea of freedom and what it means to them. Some people think freedom in political sense, others think about social freedom, and others talk about personal independence and religious freedom. But with all the different topics and opinions, one thing stands for sure, that everyone wants to be free in.
Freedom for many of us is the choice to live one’s life to do what one wants, live where one wants, to eat what you want and learn what one’s heart desires. Freedom is to pick and choose what religion to practice or who to marry or what college to go to. Clearly, freedom can apply to different aspects of life and is not an absolute term.
We have freedom to ensure honesty, self-awareness and respect and not just live free but for all societies define and practice freedom in their own respect. Different cultures around the world see their form freedom in their own light, and thus people living in different cultures around the world can enjoy freedom in ways that are appropriate and humanly correct.
Jason Morales Morales 2
CUNY of Technology
English 1121-Section E106
Prof. Schmerler
Enjoying and practicing our freedom does not mean that we disregard the rights of others and live solely the way we feel right. We have to consider the rights and the feelings of people around us when living our freedom simple by respecting their rights. Similarly a free person does not have to fear or suffer discrimination when expressing their opinion, we all need to ensure that everyone feels safe and their feelings are not hurt. Societies which encourage freedom of opinion, thoughts, beliefs, expression, choice etc. are the ones where creative minds flourish and people are safe to express themselves.
Does freedom come with independence? I believe both freedom and independence is the same word because it’s toward the same cause. I believe freedom gives us the right to appreciate the enchanted beauty of nature around us. A person who is worried and anxious cannot be free at mind and hence cannot enjoy the scenic beauty all around us, the magnificent beauties of the nature, the incredible smells when walking thru a market place, or even enjoying the different types of music played around the world. Freedom is a state of your mind that implies that your mind and body is under no fear or compulsion of safety in life. I believe education or preaching does not make us free, yet it’s a stepping stone to commencing to freedom, to achieve following an idea of a person or an example of a master is not a sign of freedom either. I believe freedom is the absence of any pressure from the social, political and religious environment that we live in and to able to do what we think is correct.
Jason Morales Morales 3
CUNY of Technology
English 1121-Section E106
Prof. Schmerler
I feel that freedom has certainly no particular definition or absolute meaning, because for everyone it would mean something different and unique. I believe that freedom, if not properly viewed or have some constraints, can be very harmful as well. For a prisoner, being out of the prison means freedom, but for non-prisoners, freedom is something that a person is free to do while abiding by social customs and law of the country. No societies or countries can guarantee absolute freedom to everyone. I believe the reason being that it will be a complete chaos if we try understanding what everyone in other countries or societies believe what freedom means to them. Freedom itself is not an absolute right, and it too has some constraints. A freedom that poses threat to the society and the nation we live in is not freedom in real sense. We cannot kill people, violate laws, smuggle drugs or doing anything illegal to the society and call it freedom. But then if crime is not freedom are we really constricting people to live a certain way?
I believe that freedom should be part of our basic rights as people. Some freedom is specific to the age group that we fall into. A child shall be free to play, to be loved by parents and family. This nurturing and bonding may be the idea of freedom to a child. Similarly to a teenager, freedom may be about hanging out with friends, enjoying group activities. The adults may enjoy social life, marriage and raising their children as part of their freedom. The elderly people may seek security of health and life, spend good time with grandchildren, involve in religious and social activities and believe that to be their freedom.
Jason Morales Morales 4
CUNY of Technology
English 1121-Section E106
Prof. Schmerler
I truly believe freedom is far more than a concept. Deprivation of freedom itself can be harmful and toxic to people. So whatever freedom you have, try to make the most of it and enjoy that freedom. You never know when that freedom that you treasure and truly believe in might end or be changed and/or altered.
Hi Jason,
I need to speak with you about the initial plagiarism you committed in this document. Here is one instance:
There may be more, but you also seem to have revised your paper, and hopefully you have removed the offense. So: Could you please give me a single post here where the date is changed and only your new paper is posted? It is hard to keep track here. So many texts in a single post!
Thanks. Also, please give me a hard copy. I have confidence in you and am glad if you did, in fact, catch your own error — but, you also realize that plagiarism is serious and I must follow up with you In Person.
Please make an appointment to speak to me soon.
all my best,
-Prof. S.