ENG 1101 OL32 Fall 2021

Communicating with Mind and Soul

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emoji poetry Vanessa

Green paper granting me freedom

looking out onto the tracks as the train speeds up

a realization of the life around me.

The stories they all have.

Even the pear dropped on the station;

waiting for the mice to end its story.

Lipogram 2: Karl


Time as a child is so trivial. We use our time to stick ourselves to screens for hours and hours with little to no care of the world around us.

We begin to mature and find value in time. How we realize now that time moves so fast. I wish that I used time in a more efficient manner.

An ambition to use time better, savor life to its fullest before it’s all erased. Finish school early, to use the most out of time or start a career earlier than the others.

Time is kind of like cash, without the refund. Use it in a wise manner. Otherwise, “I wish I would’ve” would be the start of a conversation about advice.

Abeha Choudhry Emoji Poetry

I feel like I am in a romantic movie, 

where I foolishly follow all signs that end up to cuba, 

I make this big decision in an attempt to add some unsteadiness

to everyday life.

I pay for the train tickets while i nibble a pear, like a mouse

Not like a chicken,

or a smug cat,

but like a mouse

I wonder if I would act the same in Denmark instead.

I wonder what the stars there look like.


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