• “A search of the literature reveals relatively few articles or books on the rewriting process. I have a commonplace book which has grown from one thin journals to 24 3 inch thick notebooks with more than 8000 entries…”
  • “He had to write and write and write to find out what he had to say. He was embarrassed and didn’t want his collegues to know how dumb he is.”
  • “Discovery, however, can be a frightening process. The terror of the empty page is real, because you simply do not know what you are going to say before you you say it..”

Question 1 –

The distinction Murray makes from both External and Internal revision is that, with Internal revision you are making the revisions for the only person that will be reading it which is you. So it would be notes or something that you would make for yourself and for your own understanding. While for external is more for broader revision, as in revision for others, not for only your own understanding but for the understanding of others, so having a clear idea and format the revision or others understanding, like a homework.

Question 4 –

I have always seen revision as a bit of more steps to writing that you can cut if you can have a clear idea beforehand and refine writing as you write your first draft. But after trying and seeing that revision might not be a option, it might be necessary, for some of my recent papers and videos, I’ve not had the luxury to do them once and they would be perfect, instead its been more work, I was wondering if I was just getting to be a perfectionist, but no, at some point you start seeing things that you want to fix and or can make better. With this want, I’ve felt like I just want to revise more, i want to start making better pieces of writing, I thought this was just me but after reading this, this is just a self conscious reaction to just wanting to express myself better and create a writing that can be better understanding and more fluent to read for not only me but other readers.