apologies. Will reschedule.
Author: Sarah Schmerler (Page 2 of 2)
Professor (that’s me) is sick. Please let others know of this cancellation. My apologies.
*Yes, you have an extension on your Beauty essay. Nevertheless, BE SURE to check “Assignments” on OpenLab between now and the weekend for important deadline and assignment updates.
Oct. 17. Apologies.
Hi. Please have your papers with you for our brief sessions tomorrow — that is, if you need any clarification of my markings, et al. It’s best for us to see them in black and white (or green, or red). That said, we can talk about whatever topics you wish. Time is limited, however.
Look forward to seeing you in class.
Office Hour, as per usual, today in the campus Bookstore Cafe 11:30 to 12:30.
F Train. 8:01AM.
Damn, I’m going to be late.
First the bus missed my stop because of construction; I deserve better. We are an industrialized nation, and New York brings in millions of dollars, but we still have a poorly run MTA. Don’t get me started on this L Train. The subway system is a little too dilapidated to blame Hurricane Sandy, but hey, that’s Capitalism. And now this F train is pretty slow. I know next semester and later for classes. But at least I’m trying to stay with school.
This train is quiet, except for the movement of the train.
You can hear the wheels and bumping. It’s literally a chugga chugga noise.
Finally, Delancey after 10 minutes. Shouldn’t be too much longer.
“Them Changes”, Thundercat. I really love this song. A-1 artistry. To make funk and …
Finally, I’m almost there.
F to R. 7:10PM.
“I was a very rebellious 12-year-old.”
“He’s always so much more experienced.”
“He calls me up and…”
Badum, badum, badum [sound of the train]
“And then they were just all there.”
“See you next week.”
I’m not going to sit—only you. I don’t mind.
Badum, badum [more train sounds]
[faint sounds of music, tinny, leaking out of someone’s headphones]
“That’s her reaction…”
Two ladies, sitting next to each other. One says to the other, “Is it one eye, or both?”
The other lady responds, but I can’t hear.
A teacher who in the past was really mean to me was really nice to me. She didn’t have a key to the office this morning and she begged me to let her in. I did. She thanked me profusely. “My pleasure,” I said.
But that’s not all.
Last night, I felt pretty ill. I woke up in a sweat. My son had bought some hummus at the deli — only he didn’t tell me that it wasn’t too fresh. He just left it out on the table, and I saw and went, “Hmm. Nice of my kid to buy some food for once!,” and promptly ate it.
I thought it tasted a little…off. I was hungry, though.
Later, he just kind of mentioned — “Mom, I don’t think that stuff I bought at the deli was good.” And then, I started to obsess about it.
I’m probably fine.
Do you think?
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