Photo of a Family

Out of the six photos taken by Berenice Abbott, Lewis Wickes Hine, and Dinanda H. Nooney, my favorite would be Nooney’s “Home of Gerard Basquiat.” taken in Brooklyn in 1978. It was a image of a family having a meal together on a dining table in a somewhat old-fashioned dining room and that there seems to have plenty of interactions going on. The father was just minding his own business, slicing his food like he’s relaxing, the younger daughter was busy cutting her meal with her elder sister watching her, and the mother was smiling as if she’s enjoying the family time together.
This family mealtime tradition isn’t as popular anymore in modern day as people, especially adults with a job tend to be busy working that they just don’t have the time to sit down with their family and have a decent meal together. Students, like high school or college students might have a different schedule than their parents so they wouldn’t be able to have meals with their family as well. At least that is how things are in my circles. This particular picture became my favorite out of the six because it reminded me how families used to have meals together back in the days. People were less stressed and are able to relax after work.
Also, there were some plants hanging in the background in the photo, which gives the room a impression of a larger room. The modern rooms in Brooklyn seem much smaller compared to the dining room in the photo. Afterall, we are living in a populated city and houses are built tightly next to each other.

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One Response to Photo of a Family

  1. Ka Yu says:

    It is glad that we are having a same favorite photo. You explained it very clear and you gave many details. You also talked about the room’s style. This is the thing that I didn’t mention about it. And I realize that that might be a part of this photo. I agree with what you said people in now with a job tend to be busy working and they don’t have time to sit down with family and have a dinner. It is true. In fact, they need to earn money for family. I like that you looked very detail on this photo including people and the environment. But I think we miss an important thing which is the chair with nobody sit on it.

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