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Christopher Columbus statue

This is Christopher Columbus statue situated on the columbus park in Brooklyn N.Y, a block away from City Tech, is next to the Supreme Court of the state of New York and the borough hall subway station. I choose this picture because since the first day I visit city tech until today, this statue has always called my attention everytime im going home and have to take the subway. its desine is unique and the way the statue is standing on top of that pillar makes it look attractive. I also feel is an important picture because it represents a lot to this country.

Anxieties Solution Captured In A Ball By: Oscar A.

 (In a machine inside a Laundry-mat in Norwood, Wednesday 7pm)

I chose this image because I deal with a lot of anxiety and I found out that these existed for people who dealt with anxiety; I found this out the first year of High School because my teacher told me that there was a way for me to stay calm. I took this picture because I have wanted one for the longest, but there always seems to be something holding me back from obtaining one, sometimes it’s my parents telling me that its trash and plastic or sometimes it’s just not finding the one that I truly like. I continue to seek out the solution for my anxiety (caused by tests) and this was a reminder of how society wants everyone perfect even those who have anxiety and thus we are captured in a cage, just like the Fidget Spinners are held within a ball and a very high risk machine not allowing a person to reach what they believe is the solution to their problem. The abstractness of the colors captures one’s eye but there is always a wall which in this case was a glass pane and a plastic ball/plastic case (cage).


In this photo you can see the front view of the famous arena in Brooklyn known as the Barclays Center. This photo was taken around seven pm on Tuesday October tenth. The studium in the photo consists of buildings, lights, vehicles, and people.  There’s also a crossing guard in the photo,on viewer’s left side, I can make an assumption  he is there because I can am imagining that  Heavy traffic, lots of people,  really long crosswalk are safety hazards.  Barclays is a place where history is made, from boxing bouts all the way to circuses being held there. Its also a famous attraction for tourists and people who are boxing fans etc…


This picture is a picture of what I am creating in my EMT 1130 class, which I have once a week on Tuesday mornings.  This box is a very hard task, but I’m managing my way through it. Creating this box is also an fun activity for me, and its also giving me a new experience. The gray part is the bottom sheet metal of the box, the green rectangular figure is what we call the vector board, and many smalls components connected to it and those are called resistors. In the corner there’s two yellow wires connected to it also. This board is not yet the finished product.

Photography :By Jean Claude Rosias

This picture is showing a small version of a basketball. The reason I like this small version of basketball is that I could carry the ball with me everywhere I go. It also helps me built my shooting skills.I firmly believe people who are interested in the game of basketball should purchase one of these small versions so that they can elevate their game.



Bing’s photo

Photographer: Bingzhao Shi. Title: Graduation postcard.

Description: the object in the picture might just a magnetic postcard to notify most of the high school students about their graduation but to me this is a countdown to inform me about the remaining time I have to make up my missing credit I was not able to finish on time but every time I look at this postcard it is trying to telling me the time I have left., this postcard push me to where I’m right now, make-up all the credit I missing and also graduated with 19 extra credit and studying HM at Citytech.



The photo i found that is very interesting and overwhelming that I took in ” Grand central Terminal” located at Eat 42nd Street and Park Ave. In this photo i see two beautiful  bright light shining on top the wall.  I see three windows design with brown wood. i think this picture have it’s own history  work of architecture with an undeniable beauty . The architecture has heavenly view when  people look deeply it will over heel their stress. While the most thing i would assume that the thick layers of brown and gray were gather together to build normal volume of its standard. I like the way how light shines to people from the top.

Joe Mann’s Photo

The photo that I chose to write about is a unique structure located just across the street from the jay street metrotech train station. I notice it every day on my way to class and every time I pass by it really captures my attention due to its amazingly abstract qualities. I just love the way the large cylinders happen to teeter over one another in a gravity-defying fashion. I also love how vibrant of a red the cylinders are; red things tend to attract people’s attention. The most important reason why I just love this structure is that every time I look at it I become inspired to think outside the box and create my own abstract work. 

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