Category Archives: Uncategorized

Modern Photographs

9/30/2015 Sasha Cabrera English 1101 / Prof. Scanlan Journal 4 Hi Classmates :-] My favorite picture is from Dinanda H. Nooney , Home of Gerard Basquiat . This picture reminds me of when I used to live in Maryland with … Continue reading

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My Favorite Picture

Ibrahim Mamun Journal 4 English D394/C394 (Prof. Scanlan) September 29th, 2015 The picture that caught my eye was the “Seventh Avenue looking south from 35th Street, Manhattan” picture, taken by Berenice Abbott. It displays a view from above, of how … Continue reading

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My Favorite Picture

David Guaman Journal 4 English D394 (Prof. Scanlan) 9/29/15 My Favorite Picture The picture that caught my attention from all of them was Lewis Wickes Hine, “Riveters attaching a bean.” The picture shows four men, which appear to be at … Continue reading

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My Favorite Photo

Dora Ismailova English 1101 (Prof. Scanlan) Journal 4 September 30, 2015 My Favorite New York City Photo The photo that caught my eye the most was “Sweat shop, New York City” by Lewis Wickes Hine. The author’s point of view … Continue reading

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My favorite Urban Art Picture

Tiffany Yang Journal 4 English D394 (Prof. Scanlan) 9/29/15 My favorite Urban Art Picture   Lewis Wickes Hine is the photographer that I picked because his pictures is often about workers in industrial setting. His images on page 147-149 are … Continue reading

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My Favorite Picture

Harpreet Kaur Journal 4 English D 394 (Prof. Scanlan) September 29, 2015 My Favorite Picture I chose the photo “Manhattan Bridge” by photographer Berenice Abbott. It is simply a close up of one of the pillars of the Manhattan Bridge, … Continue reading

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New York At Work (My Favorite Photography)

Brian Gonzalez This photo taken by Lewis Wickes Hine caught my attention, where I see workers working in architecture. This has caught my attention the fact that these workers do not seem so scared at all. This photo was during under … Continue reading

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Beginning the Photo Essay

Hi Class, Essay 2 is about taking photos, reading them, and writing about them. These questions will help us as we move toward Essay 2: 1. What is a photograph? What is the history of photography? 2. Why do … Continue reading

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My Favorite Picture

Jimmy Chen Journal 4 English D394 (Prof. Scanlan) September 28th, 2015   My Favorite Picture   The picture that caught my attention the most would be “Riveters attaching a beam,”, taken by Lewis Wickes Hine in 1931. The imagery displayed … Continue reading

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Sean’s New Post!

Hi Class, This is how to post a short post. Best, Prof. Scanlan

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