I took this photograph on my first day of college,me and my friend william came out the vorhees building and decided we wanted to see what was around our school. The photo shows a clear blue sky and perfect view of the manhattan bridge and what pops out most to me, is how blue the water looks. If you've ever been to the brooklyn bridge park area and seen the east river you would know its dar from blue, so it just intrigued me that in this photo it came out so blue. i like how the panorama effect on my iPhone really brought out the length of the bridge and width of the river.

I took this photograph on my first day of college,me and my friend william came out the vorhees building and decided we wanted to see what was around our school. The photo shows a clear blue sky and perfect view of the manhattan bridge and what pops out most to me, is how blue the water looks. If you’ve ever been to the brooklyn bridge park area and seen the east river you would know its dar from blue, so it just intrigued me that in this photo it came out so blue. I like how the panorama effect on my iPhone really brought out the length of the bridge and width of the river.

By Giovanni Insuasti

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