Lower Manhattan

I was searching for an aerial view of Chinatown on the Lower East Side of Manhattan when I stumbled upon this photo of the World Trade Center in 2009. The fisheye on the camera creates a bend around the focus on the towers; it warps everything in the photo to add emphasis to the towers. You can also see Queens and Brooklyn in the background and both boroughs seem to fade off into a never ending sky. The towers claim this photo with a sort of dominance around the much smaller sky scrapers and the less prominent buildings further in the background. When the boroughs begin to blend into the bending skies;I begin feel reverence for the person who had the chance to capture this image because everything is near perfect.


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One Response to Lower Manhattan

  1. Interesting photo. Did you take it? I hesitate to approve unless you can find artist’s name and source.
    –Prof. Scanlan

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