COMD 4900 Internship, Fall 2020: The Self-Report

Journal Entry #8

In terms of my overall performance, I learned two things about myself, one is that I could learn to work a lot faster, and sometimes less is more in terms of projects. I can have this bad habit of wasting a bunch of time and then full sending when the deadline approaches, while I normally get things done pretty effectively some of that time could be used towards coming up with different variations on a project. For example, I was working on an intro for one of the companies talks I came up with maybe two to three different versions and laid down the pieces I needed, and then came back to finish a good chunk of time later. Looking back some of them could have been better planned.

The next was an ad for an event, since it was my first project at the time, I decided to put everything I had into it and made a few ads with elaborate motion graphics. But upon judgment, Mr. R had compared it to another intern who had a simpler ad and preferred that one. At the end of the day not matter much I knew and could do sometimes I don’t need to go over the top with certain projects.