Greetings and welcome to Resource and Program Development in Human Services! This course offers a unique opportunity to delve deep into the world of non-profit management. For many of you, this course represents the final step in obtaining your BS in Human Services or CUNY BA. Over the course of 15 weeks, we will engage in live and virtual discussions through Blackboard and Open lab. I am thrilled to share my knowledge with you, facilitate life-long learning activities, and hear your unique perspectives on non-profit management.
To ensure your success, please take a moment to review the syllabus for important course assignments and deadlines. Your success is my top priority, so please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you encounter any difficulties with the course material.
Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey.
Best regards,
Prof. Busby
Office Hours/HUS 4803 Spring 2020
Open Office Hours Location: Howard Building- 25 Chapel Street 4th Floor
For appointments, email me at