The objective of funding partner research (prospecting) is to find funders whose philanthropic interests and funding guidelines closely match your grant proposal’s goals and funding needs.
- Use the Grant Space foundation guide, the links in the course syllabus, or do your own Internet search to find two or three prospective funding partners (corporations, foundations, government agencies) for the program in your grant proposal.
- Visit each prospect’s website to evaluate each prospect. Choose a funder that most closely matches the funding needs of the program you describe in your grant proposal.
- Write a one-page (single space, 12 pt. Times New Roman) profile of the funder you selected.
- Use the Grant Space Form 990 or Guidestar Form 990 to learn about how to examine the most recent return available for your funder.
- Each group member will submit a unique funding partner profile to include with your grant proposal. You will use this profile as part of your presentation.
Funding Partner Profile Outline
- Name of foundation, year established, and mission. Include a brief description of the founders.
- Mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, and URL
- Funding interests and priorities
- type of organizations the foundation supports
- type of programs the foundation supports
- client populations of interest to the foundation
- issues/ problems of interest to the foundation
- geographic scope of the foundation
- Total revenue based on the foundation’s most recent IRS 990*
- Procedures and deadline for submitting a grant application. Include contact person or group
- Other funding restrictions: grant amount; terms of typical grant; other restrictions