COMD 4900 Internship blog 11

Over this week I completed the flyer with Dr. Ferdinand luckily only took a few email exchanges and one revision. For my original draft I included two different versions of a similar layout because I was confident the client would be satisfied and luckily I turned out to be correct.

The different layouts contained different color schemes and pictures. I unfortunately had to cut most of the images I picked out originally from being put into the design as they were not energetic enough. Ultimately, me, the client, and my supervisor agreed on the first layout being the strongest so I made a simple revision by adding a description of the class as it was not provided to me originally. After handing the flyer in I was asked for feedback in our weekly meeting and I was critiqued for the sizing of the images. I agreed with the critique and changed it for my portfolio. Another critique I was given is that I should use the white logo for city tech based on the background color so I will also be making that change.