Author: Richard Rohoman
Bezold Design
Live Trace Design
ASPCA Poster Poster
Audi Poster Design
Deli Poster
Racism Poster
A day in the Life of King Richard
Visually Enhanced Quotes
The first postcard (JPEG-1) is a great way that symbolizes my quote. A thought bubble with a light bulb in the middle is a great way to show the power of the human brain. It shows that humans use their brain and without it we don’t exist.
The second image shows the innovation of the thought process of the human brain. Humans are very innovative when it comes to solving problems. We are constantly using our brains to figure where we fit in this cruel world.
Showing the use of both side of the brain is excellent way to show how the human brain works. Our brain is split into two half. Each half of the brain has its purpose and combine together shows the true power of the human brain. If the brain doesn’t work anymore then we as a human will eventually fade out of existence.